Weekly Web Design & Development News: Collective #503

by jQueryScript,

A collection of the latest and hottest design and development resources (Javascript libraries, CSS snippets, Free Graphic Design Resources, etc.) on the web from the last week (Week 21, 2023).

Web Design & Development News: Collective #503


The missing JS randomness library.


[Demo] [Download]

Toaster Pure CSS 3D Modelling Suite

Toaster is a 3D editor for modelling in pure HTML + CSS. No WebGL, no canvas.

Toaster Pure CSS 3D Modelling Suite

[Demo] [Download]

AI-based React Component Generator – ReactAgent

An innovative open-source tool that uses GPT-4 to generate and compose React components. Transform user stories into real components in seconds

AI-based React Component Generator – ReactAgent

[Demo] [Download]


How you order elements in the <head> can have an effect on the (perceived) performance of the page. This script helps you identify which elements are out of order.


[Demo] [Download]


An easy-to-use JavaScript library designed to provide real-time, precise loading progress detection for web pages.


[Demo] [Download]


A tiny JavaScript library for creating highly customizable popups, notifications, prompts, confirm dialogs and modal windows without sacrificing performance or quality.


[Demo] [Download]

Lobe UI

Lobe UI is an open-source UI component library for building chatbot web apps.

Lobe UI

[Demo] [Download]


Fixed bouncing caused by pull up or pull down on mobile web pages.



Drawing Tablet

The DrawingTablet.js library creates a customizable drawing pad where users can sketch, doodle, or jot down notes directly within your website or application.

Drawing Tablet

[Demo] [Download]


A tiny JavaScript library that creates interactive 3D parallax tilt hover effects on any element. Inspired by the Tilt.js jQuery plugin.


[Demo] [Download]


A lightweight, performant, easy-to-use background parallax scrolling library that supports up, down, left, right directions.


[Demo] [Download]

Retro Clock Design

Analog & Digital Clock Using HTML CSS & JavaScript.

Retro Clock Design


cptn.io Open Source Integration and Data Platform

An open-source self-hostable platform that helps develop and deploy integrations and data pipelines quickly and easily.

cptn.io Open Source Integration and Data Platform



Zero-dependency, build-free framework for the artisanal web..

QWeather Icons

[Demo] [Download]

Arc Time Slider

See the Pen Arc Time Slider by Nicolas Jesenberger (@nicolasjesenberger) on CodePen.

Rolling Theme Switch

See the Pen Rolling Theme Switch by Jon Kantner (@jkantner) on CodePen.

Play Button Mouse Follow Creative Load any Video with HTML, CSS, and JS

See the Pen Play Button Mouse Follow Creative Load any Video with HTML, CSS, and JS by Juxtopposed (@Juxtopposed) on CodePen.

Skeuomorphic Toggle Switch

See the Pen Skeuomorphic Toggle Switch (vol. 2) by Nicolas Jesenberger (@nicolasjesenberger) on CodePen.

Mobile Navigation Layout

See the Pen Mobile Navigation Layout by Tapio (@Taluska) on CodePen.

AI Weekly Digest Issue #6

Get your AI update with AI Weekly Digest Issue #6 for Week 21 of 2023. A curated selection of the most impactful AI news and events worldwide.

AI Weekly Digest Issue #3


Summarize And Get The Transcript Of Online Videos – Video Highlight

A powerful AI-powered tool for summarizing, transcribing, and taking notes from any online videos like Youtube, Vimeo, HTML5 Video, and more.

Summarize And Get The Transcript Of Online Videos – Video Highlight


Windows 11 Mockup

Windows 11 mockup is a containing different frame created to give you the all-new Windows 11 feel.

Windows 11 Mockup



A graffiti style display font free for personal and commercial use.

