Weekly Web Design & Development News: Collective #580

by jQueryScript,

A roundup of the latest and most popular development & design resources (Javascript & CSS libraries, Code snippets, Web Dev News & Resources, Curated AI Tools, Graphic Design Freebies, etc.)  from the past week (Week 47, 2024).

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JavaScript & CSS

octopalm - Fast Real-Time Search For Web Applications. (Live Demo)


video-player - Minimal video player web component. (Live Demo)


video-compare - Mobile-Friendly Video Comparison Slider in JavaScript. (Live Demo)


jam-toast - Responsive and Flexible Toast Alerts. (Live Demo)


Sparkle Text - Add a sparkling effect to your text with this JavaScript and CSS tutorial. (Live Demo)

Sparkle Text

CSS Horizontal Image Scroller - CSS-only Horizontal Image Scroller with Vertical Scroll Pause. (Live Demo)

CSS Horizontal Image Scroller

shadcn-advanced-table - Advanced shadcn/ui Data Table Component For React Apps. (Live Demo)


rise-tools - Server Defined Rendering for React Native.

progressive-motion-blur - Progressive Motion Blur visualiser using HTML Canvas API. (Live Demo)

batch-loader - A lightweight, efficient data loader utility for batching multiple requests into a single operation.

hashed-device-fingerprint-js - A lightweight JavaScript/TypeScript package that generates device-specific hashed fingerprints.

tiny-multimethods - A lightweight implementation of Clojure-style multimethods for JavaScript in under 30 lines of code.

whisper-transcript - A Lit web-component for viewing a Whisper JSON transcript file.

bin.js - A JavaScript library that can convert any kind of data into binary that can be restored.

relinka - A powerful library that enables seamless, type-safe, and resilient prompts for command-line applications.

resume - A minimalist, responsive resume template built with Next.js 15, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS. (Live Demo)

Discover more JavaScript & CSS Libraries →

Web Dev Tools & Resources

AppIcon Forge - An intuitive app icon generator that lets you customize colors, borders, shadows, and more to create unique app icons effortlessly.

AppIconKit - Helps you manage alternate app icons on macOS and iOS.

make-avatar - Custom Animated Avatar Generator.

deepspring-shellmate - A devtool panel for debugging Atomic CSS rules as if they were not atomic.

AutoBreakpointer - A Chrome DevTools Protocol based tool that automatically sets breakpoints for specified strings or patterns in JavaScript code. 

marimo - An open-source reactive notebook for Python.

Graphic Design Freebies

Lumia - Modern Geometric Display Font with Space-Age Style

Lumia Display Font

8 Abstract Gradient Textures - A set of 8 high-quality gradient textures, each designed at 6400×4400 pixels with a resolution of 300 DPI.

8 Abstract Gradient Textures

Discover more Graphic Design Freebies →

Curated Free AI Tools

Notclass - AI-Powered YouTube Search for Students and Educators.

DimensionX - Transform Photos into Dynamic 3D and 4D Scenes.

AI Flowchart Generator - Transform PDFs into Audio Content.

Llama OCR - An open-source Node.js library that allows you to control your browser using natural language, inspired by Claude’s Computer Use. 

NSFW File Detector - Detect NSFW Content in Images, PDFS, Videos & More.

Remy - Transform your ideas into reality with the AI App Generator.

Discover more Free AI Tools →

News & Articles

What's next for WebGPU (Link)

Angular v19 Released (Link)

AI's Transformative Impact On Web Design (Link)

JavaScript & CSS Snippets

Pixellated Canvas Component

See the Pen Pixellated Canvas Component by Simon Goellner (@simeydotme) on CodePen.

Adhesive tape for your images

See the Pen Adhesive tape for your images by Temani Afif (@t_afif) on CodePen.

Apple Style CTA Reveal with CSS scroll-driven animations

See the Pen Apple Style CTA Reveal with CSS scroll-driven animations by Jhey (@jh3y) on CodePen.

CSS Only Status Input Stroke

See the Pen CSS Only Status Input Stroke by Jhey (@jh3y) on CodePen.