jQuery Loading Plugins
Download Free jQuery Loading Spinner, Lazy Load, Loading Overlay, Progrss Bar, Image Preload, and other content loading plugins at jQueryScript.Net. Page 7 .
Animated Radial Progress Bar With jQuery And CSS3
- Loading - 11769 ViewsA customizable, circular, CSS3 animated progress bar plugin for jQuery that can be used to display progress, completion, percentage, loading status, etc.
Minimal HTML5 Donut Chart Plugin For jQuery - DonutWidget
- Chart & Graph - 9693 ViewsDonutWidget is a simple plain jQuery plugin to present your data (e.g. progress percentage) in a doughnut/ring chart that is fully configurable via HTML data attributes.
Basic Loading Indicator Plugin With jQuery - Wload.js
- Loading - 6829 ViewsWload.js is a really small, cross-browser jQuery loading indicator plugin which displays a loading screen with custom loading spinner and loading text on the screen.
Minimal Accessible Progress Bar Plugin With jQuery - aria-progressbar
- Loading - 5869 Viewsaria-progressbar is a jQuery plugin that helps you create a CSS3 animated, WAI-ARIA compliant progress bar to represent the percentage values in an user-friendly / accessible way.
Load More Pagination For Long Content - jQuery loadMoreResults
- Loading - 18330 ViewsloadMoreResults is a jQuery plugin for adding a 'Load More' pagination button to your long web content that allows you to dynamically load more items according to your needs.
Detect Image Loading Status With jQuery - imagesStatus
- Loading - 1970 ViewsThis is the jQuery version of the imgStatus library, which makes it easy to detect the image loading status and provide callback functions when the images are completely loaded.
Skeleton Loading Screen With jQuery And CSS3 - avnSkeleton
- Loading - 13707 ViewsavnSkeleton is a jQuery plugin used to create a customizable, CSS3 animated, Facebook inspired skeleton preview of your web content while waiting for async data.
Detect If Images Have Been Completely Loaded - jQuery imageReady
- Loading - 1751 ViewsJust another 'image is loaded' jQuery plugin that detects the loading events and triggers callbacks if specific images are completely loaded or failed to load.
Asynchronous Image Loading with jQuery - hbaLoadImages.js
- Loading - 2116 ViewshbaLoadImages.js is a jQuery asynchronous image loading plugin to improve page speed and boost SEO that defers the loading of images until your web content is fully loaded.
jQuery Plugin To Manipulate CSS3 Loading Animations - EasyLoading
- Loading - 4509 ViewsEasyLoading is a lightweight, configurable, easy-to-use jQuery loading spinner plugin to manage and manipulate CSS3 based loading animations for Ajax/Async operations.
Any Content Lazy Load Plugin With jQuery - lazyload-any
- Loading - 8851 Viewslazyload-any is a jQuery lazy loader which has the ability to delay the loading of any html contents (for example images, iframes, overflow contents) until they come into view.
jQuery Plugin For Creating Loading Overlay with CSS3 Animations - waitMe
- Loading - 62410 ViewswaitMe is a very lightweight (~1.55 kb minified) jQuery plugin for creating an Ajax loading overlay with loading text and animated loading spinner using CSS3 aniamtions.
Easy Top Loading Bar Plugin For jQuery - loadBar
- Loading - 2910 ViewsloadBar is a lightweight (2kb minified) jQuery plugin used to display an HTML5 canvas based top loading indicator when some content is being loaded.
Elegant Customizable Loading Indicator For jQuery - preloader
- Loading - 17034 Viewspreloader.js is a simple, lightweight jQuery loading indicator plugin to create content loaders and preloaders while data in a specific area is loading.
Defer Image Loading Until In Viewport - jQuery Late images
- Loading - 1496 ViewsLate images is a lightweight, performant jQuery lazy load plugin that your images outside of viewport are not loaded until they become visible on page scroll.
Circular Progress Bar And Countdown Timer With jQuery - circlebars
- Loading - 35008 ViewsThe jQuery Circle Bars plugin makes it easier to draw animated, customizable, circular progress bars and/or countdown timers using pure CSS/CSS3.
Fully Configurable jQuery Loading Animation Plugin - JQueryLoader
- Loading - 4533 ViewsJQueryLoader is a jQuery loader plugin which can be used to display loading indicators when the user clicks on a link. Comes with a variety of customization options and animation types.
Load External Files Into Webpage Using AJAX - jQuery includeHTML.js
- Loading - 3158 ViewsincludeHTML.js is a jQuery plugin that has the ability to load/append/prepend external html or text files into your document using AJAX requests.
Easy Scroll-Up To Refresh Plugin For jQuery - scrollup.js
- Loading - 2618 Viewsscrollup.js is a jQuery plugin which implements the familiar mobile 'pull to refresh' functionality on your desktop website. Uses scrollUp event instead of touch swipe.
Creating Infinite Scrolling Pages With jQuery - frevr.js
- Loading - 1998 Viewsfrevr.js is a jQuery infinite scroll plugin that loads more pages using ajax requests and appends the result in the current page as you scroll down the bottom of the screen.