jQuery Loading Plugins
Download Free jQuery Loading Spinner, Lazy Load, Loading Overlay, Progrss Bar, Image Preload, and other content loading plugins at jQueryScript.Net. Page 16 .
Easy jQuery Animated Progress Bar Plugin - Thermometer
- Loading - 9731 ViewsThermometer is an easy and fast jQuery plugin for creating an vertical or horizontal progress bar with custom animations, which can be used for thermometer, loading bar, or progress meter.
jQuery Slim Pre-Loading Bar Plugin - Loadie.js
- Loading - 4603 ViewsLoadie.js is a lightweight and stylish jQuery loader plugin that displays a slim progress bar (loading bar) at the top of your webpage (or anywhere as you wish) for showing pre-loading status.
jQuery Youtube Like Ajax Progress Bar Plugin - ytLoad
- Loading - 7979 ViewsytLoad is a jQuery plugin inspired by youtube.com that creates a slim progress bar with smooth CSS3 transitions at the top of your web page for ajax content loading.
Simple jQuery Circular Loading Bar with Percentage - Rotator
- Rotator - 31555 ViewsRotator is a simple jQuery plugin for creating a circular loading bar (progress bar) with percentage display and callback events support.
jQuery Plugin For Stretching Image - fitpic.js
- Loading - 1313 Viewsfitpic.js is a jQuery plugin that make it easy to stretch images on your page to fit your visitors viewports perfectly when loading or resizing.
Tiny jQuery Plugin For Animated Loading Spinners - Spin
- Loading - 6908 ViewsjQuery Spin is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that make it easy to creating animated loading spinners using CSS and javascript.
CProgress - jQuery Circular Progress Bar Plugin
- Loading - 9966 ViewsCProgress is a jQuery Circular Progress Bar Plugin with many options, so that you can use it to create various awesome progress bars for your website/application.
Simple and Customizable jQuery Loading Animation Plugin
- Loading - 1578 ViewsA jQuery based customizable Loading Effect plugin which allows you to create your own loading effect with custom animations and algorithms.
jQuery Animated Loading Indication Plugin - Waiting
- Loading - 9353 ViewsjQuery Waiting is a jQuery plugin that allows to add and remove a loading indication (e.g. an AJAX spinner gif) with some useful options like positioning and adding it as an overlay inside the element or over the entire page.
jQuery Plugin For Preloading Images With Javascript - imageloader
- Loading - 3719 Viewsimageloader is an useful jQuery plugin for preloading images with javascirpt to improve the user experience.
jQuery Plugin For Animated Ajax Loading Dots - loadingDots
- Loading - 5315 ViewsloadingDots is a super simple and cross-browser jQuery plugin that displays animated loading dots for ajax content loading.
Smooth Progress Bar Loading Effect With jQuery
- Loading - 42910 ViewsIn this tutorial we're going to create a simple progress bar with smooth loading effects with jQuery, HTML5 and CSS3.
Easy jQuery Loading Bar Generator - Nimble Loader
- Loading - 2810 ViewsNimble Loader is a jQuery based loading bar generator that helps you quickly and simply create loading effects with animated loading spinner for your projects like ajax content loading, content fetching/refreshing, time counting etc.
Graphical and Circular Timer with jQuery and CSS3 - pietimer
- Loading - 31087 Viewspietimer is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to create a circular pie graph-like timer using CSS3 and jQuery. Good for countdown timer or loading bar.
jQuery Plugin For Lazy Loading Images - lately.js
- Loading - 2039 Viewslately.js is considered as one of the most lightweight jQuery Lazy Loading plugins that delay loading large images in long webpages to reduce the page loading time.
jQuery Plugin For Loading Animations - Waiting
- Loading - 5208 ViewsWaiting is a jQuery plugin that allows you to easily add loading/waiting animations to your projects.
jQuery Progress Bar Plugin with CSS3
- Loading - 4194 ViewsA Progress Bar implemented entirely using CSS 3 gradients, shadows, and border-radius, with a touch of animation. This progress bar will work in the latest version of all major browsers to provide full compatibility with animation, gradients
Animated Progress Bar Plugin
- Loading - 2342 ViewsAn Animated Progressbar Plugin built with jQuery that allows you to create a Progress Bar with dynamic loading effect and the remaining time.
Amazing Loading Animations with Jquery and CSS
- Animation - 2708 ViewsAn amazing Loading Animations built with jQuery and CSS3 for creating beautiful loading effect.