jQuery Loading Plugins
Download Free jQuery Loading Spinner, Lazy Load, Loading Overlay, Progrss Bar, Image Preload, and other content loading plugins at jQueryScript.Net. Page 13 .
Customizable jQuery Page Loader Plugin - Page Loading
- Loading - 5287 ViewsPage Loading is a tiny jQuery plugin that displays a highly configurable loading overlay with a progress bar covering the whole screen until the pages loads completely.
Minimal jQuery Plugin For Page Preloading Effect - Basic Preloader
- Loading - 6944 ViewsA basic, lightweight jQuery page preloader plugin which displays a preloading screen with loading spinner & background before all your web content are fully loaded.
SVG Based Circular Progress Bar Plugin For jQuery
- Loading - 1550 ViewsA lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin used to draw an animated, fully customizable & styleable, circular progress bar using SVG element.
Ajax Progress Bar Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap - progressTimer
- Loading - 51223 ViewsprogressTimer is a lightweight jQuery plugin for displaying a flexible timer bar to indicate the Ajax progress via Bootstrap progress bar component.
Animated Customizable Progress Meter Plugin For jQuery - jQMeter
- Loading - 14577 ViewsjQMeter is a tiny jQuery plugin to show the progress in percentage for a certain item in an animated, CSS styleable progress bar.
High-performance jQuery Image Lazy Load Plugin - imageLoader
- Loading - 1293 ViewsimageLoader is a jQuery plugin to smartly and efficiently lazy load images with support for horizontal or vertical page scrolling.
jQuery Plugin For Windows 8 Style Loading Spinner - SPIN
- Loading - 3209 ViewsA simple lightweight jQuery loading spinner plugin that display a CSS3 animated, Windows 8 style loading indicator on the top of the whole page or only part of the page.
Super Easy jQuery Content Lazy Load Plugin - LazyContent
- Loading - 5472 ViewsLazyContent is an ultra-light jQuery plugin used to smartly lazy load images and other Html elements when they're scrolled into the viewport.
jQuery Plugin For Loading Indicators On Specified Elements - loadingImageThingy
- Loading - 2036 ViewsloadingImageThingy is a jQuery plugin to display a loading indicator (image or CSS powered spinner) which which covers a specified elements or the whole page.
Customizable jQuery Loading Overlay & Spinner Plugin - Waiting
- Loading - 6428 ViewsWaiting.js is a jQuery loading indication plugin used to generate a highly configurable loading spinner & overlay on the whole page or over a specific DOM element.
Lightweight jQuery Image Preloading Plugin - lsPreloader
- Loading - 9001 ViewslsPreloader is a simple lightweight jQuery plugin that creates a preloader to indicate the progress of downloaded images of your website.
jQuery Plugin To Smartly Load Images While Scrolling - loadScroll
- Loading - 26335 ViewsloadScroll is a minimal jQuery plugin to delay the loading of your images until you start scrolling down the page as well as the images are scrolled into viewport.
Simplest jQuery Infinite Scrolling Plugin
- Loading - 4051 ViewsA really simple jQuery plugin that dynamically load more content as you reach the bottom of the web page, which can be used to implement infinite scrolling.
jQuery Plugin For Background Image Lazy Loading - bglazyload.js
- Loading - 1599 Viewsbglazyload.js is a super simple jQuery plugin used to delay loading of images until container is scrolled more than 33% in viewport.
jQuery Plugin For Easy Image Preloading - DePreLoad.js
- Loading - 7198 ViewsDePreLoad.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin to quickly detect if all the images of your webpage have been loaded.
Draw and Animate (Pre)Loaders with jQuery and Canvas - CanvasLoader
- Loading - 9335 ViewsCanvasLoader is a jQuery plugin which uses Html5 canvas element to create an animated (pre)loader with an overlay appending to an Html element.
Circular Corner Loader with jQuery and CSS3 - jmyloader
- Loading - 2212 Viewsjmyloader is a jQuery plugin that creates a circular content loader at the top right of the screen to indicate the loading progress.
Lightweight jQuery Youtube Video Lazy Load Plugin - LazyYT.js
- Loading - 7235 ViewsLazyYT.js is a small and fast jQuery plugin for delaying loading of Youtube videos in your website for reducing the page loading time to improve user experiences.
Easy Page & Element Loader Plugin with jQuery - loader.js
- Loading - 13202 Viewsloader.js is an easy, small JQuery plugin to create a loading indicator that works with web pages and specific Html elements.
jQuery Plugin for Infinite Scrolling / Auto Paging - jmscroll
- Loading - 4175 Viewsjmscroll is a simple jQuery infinite scroll plugin which observes the scroll event and loads the next set of content If available.