jQuery Loading Plugins
Download Free jQuery Loading Spinner, Lazy Load, Loading Overlay, Progrss Bar, Image Preload, and other content loading plugins at jQueryScript.Net. Page 15 .
Lightweight jQuery Image Preload Plugin - Preload Images
- Loading - 1272 ViewsA lightweight easy to use jQuery plugin used to preload an array of specific images with a customizable preloading bar. Callback events are supported that allow you to do some cool stuffs when the load of images was finished, succeed, or fa
Create An Android Holo Themed Loading Spinner with jQuery and Html5
- Loading - 7529 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that uses Javascript and Html5 canvas to create a circular, animated, Android Holo themed loading spinner for your dynamic content loaded with AJAX.
jQuery Plugin For Animated Lazy Load Progress Bar - ProBars
- Loading - 6134 ViewsProBars is a jQuery & jQuery UI plugin to create animated progress bars as they're scrolled into the viewport.
Small jQuery Loading Overlay Plugin - Loading Layer
- Loading - 5187 ViewsLoading Layer is a lightweight jQuery plugin that creates a loading layer overlaying any Html elements.
Animated Slim Progress Bar Plugin with jQuery - Number Progress Bar
- Loading - 4634 ViewsNumber Progress Bar is a jQuery plugin that creates a slim progress bar with support for accelerated Javascript animations and custom value range.
Simple Circle Progress Indicator Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Progress Circle
- Loading - 52207 ViewsProgress Circle is a simple jQuery plugin that utilizes CSS3 transforms and transitions to draw a circular progress bar/indicator with percent text display.
jQuery Based Progress Button For Async Functions - ProgressButton
- Loading - 2819 ViewsProgressButton is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to create a button with built in progress indicator for async functions like content loader, file uploader, etc.
jQuery Plugin For Simple Image Preloader - Preload Images
- Loading - 4998 ViewsPreload Images is a simple jQuery plugin for preloading an array of images with a custom GIF spinner and callback support.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Lazy Loader - LaziestLoader
- Loading - 1432 ViewsLaziestLoader is a jQuery retina-ready and smart lazy load plugin for lazy loading appropriate images or other html elements until they become visible in the viewport. Suitable for responsive website to speed up the page load time.
Lightweight jQuery Plugin To Lazy Load Youtube Videos - Lazy Loader
- Loading - 2906 ViewsYouTube Lazy Loader is a super light (~2kb minified) jQuery plugin used to lazy load & control youtube videos to improve the page load time.
Minimal jQuery Image Lazy Load Plugin - Lazy Load
- Loading - 1881 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin that makes it easier to implement image laze load functionality on your web page, with image placeholder and load effects support.
jQuery Ajax Loading Overlay with Loading Text and Spinner Plugin
- Loading - 120748 ViewsLoading Overlay is a jQuery plugin for AJAX loading that adds a loading overlay with loading text and loading spinner to a given element when loading something.
Minimal jQuery Animated Progress Bar Plugin - goalProgress
- Loading - 2550 ViewsgoalProgress is a super tiny jQuery plugin to create an animated goal progress bar with prefix/suffix text support.
Simple and Minimal Image/Video Lazy Load Plugin with jQuery - sleepyHead
- Loading - 2239 ViewssleepyHead is a dead-simple and fast jQuery plugin for lazy loading images and videos (youtube, vimeo, etc) with just one JS call.
Simple Javscript Image Lazy Loading with Html5 - Echo.js
- Loading - 4986 ViewsEcho is a lightweight and fast javascript library for image lazy loading via html5 data-* attributes.
Easy jQuery Progress Bar Timer Plugin For Bootstrap 3 - progressTimer
- Loading - 40927 ViewsprogressTimer is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin which makes use of Bootstrap 3 progress bar component to create an animated progress timer with CSS3 transitions and striped effects.
Asynchronous Image Loading with jQuery Image Loader Plugin
- Loading - 14052 ViewsImage Loader is a simple jQuery plugin used to asynchronously load images within a container by using image data-src attribute.
jQuery Plugin For Preloading Html Elements with Fade Effect - Fadeloader
- Loading - 6877 ViewsFadeloader is a simple jQuery plugin that allows to pre-load any Html elements in your document or section, with a cascade fade-in effect.
Easy jQuery Animated Progress Bar Plugin - Thermometer
- Loading - 9723 ViewsThermometer is an easy and fast jQuery plugin for creating an vertical or horizontal progress bar with custom animations, which can be used for thermometer, loading bar, or progress meter.
jQuery Slim Pre-Loading Bar Plugin - Loadie.js
- Loading - 4601 ViewsLoadie.js is a lightweight and stylish jQuery loader plugin that displays a slim progress bar (loading bar) at the top of your webpage (or anywhere as you wish) for showing pre-loading status.