jQuery Rotator Plugins
Download Free jQuery Image Rotator, Text Rotator, Banner Rotator plugins at our jQuery Rotator Plugin section. Page 3 .
Easy Coverflow Carousel Plugin For jQuery - Carousel.js
- Rotator - 13612 ViewsA cross-browser (IE8+) jQuery plugin used for create a coverflow-style 3D perspective image carousel / rotator with convenient configuration options.
Cross-fading Text Slideshow Plugin For jQuery - Cycletext
- Rotator - 1716 ViewsCycletext is a really simple, AMD & UMD compatible text rotator jQuery plugin which automatically fades through an array of predefined text just like a slideshow or carousel.
Create Awesome Text Switch Animations Using jQuery And CSS3 - switchText.js
- Rotator - 1842 ViewsswitchText.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin which allows to rotate through an array of text one after the other with CSS3 powered animations.
3D Image Slice Rotator With jQuery And CSS3 - Ali Slider
- Rotator - 4230 ViewsAli Slider is a tiny jQuery plugin used to create an automatic image rotator/slider with a cool 3D slice animation based on CSS3 transforms and transitions.
Lightweight jQuery 3D Image Rotator Plugin - Carrousel
- Rotator - 3452 ViewsCarrousel is a cross-browser and high-performance jQuery plugin used to present your image in an automatic 3D rotator / carousel interface.
jQuery Plugin For Simple Text Typing/Deleting Animations - ghost-typer.js
- Rotator - 2992 Viewsghost-typer.js is a simple jQuery text animation / text rotator plugin that rotates through an array of strings with text typing/deleting effects.
Lightweight Automatic Text Rotator Plugin For jQuery - Quote-Spinner
- Rotator - 3027 ViewsA very small and easy-to-use jQuery plugin used for generating an automatic text rotator with a dot pagination which can be uses as a quote spinner.
3D Transforms Based jQuery Image Carousel / Rotator
- Rotator - 3202 ViewsjQuery CSS Carousel uses CSS3 3D transforms to render a 3D perspective hexagon image carousel / rotator with next / prev navigation buttons on your webpage.
3D Perspective Image Rotator with jQuery - PicCarousel.js
- Rotator - 5830 ViewsPicCarousel.js is a simple, CSS-less jQuery plugin that helps you create a 3D perspective image rotator (carousel) for showcasing your favorite images.
Minimal Text Carousel Plugin With JQuery and Animate.css - Slogan Roulette
- Rotator - 4423 ViewsSlogan Roulette is a lightweight jQuery/Zepto plugin which allows to cycle through an array of words/phrases/sentences in your headings, titles or whatever.
Lightweight Text Rotator Plugin With Shuffle Animations - ShuffleText
- Rotator - 2721 ViewsShuffleText is an extremely lightweight jQuery text rotator plugin which rotates through an array of text with a random letter shuffle effect.
Interactive 360º Image Rotator Plugin - Turntable.js
- Rotator - 6677 ViewsA simple jQuery slider plugin which helps you create an interactive, responsive image rotator to provide a great 360º viewing experience with your product images.
CSS3 Animated Text Rotator / Carousel Plugin - Changethewords.js
- Rotator - 7191 ViewsChangethewords.js is a really small (~1kb) jQuery plugin which help rotate through pieces of text with CSS3 based animations based on Animate.css.
Minimal Text Transition Animation Plugin - textTweener
- Rotator - 1108 ViewstextTweener is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to create a text rotator that transitions through a group of text content with a smooth tween animation.
Lightweight Automatic Image Rotator Plugin - zSlider.js
- Rotator - 2123 ViewszSlider.js is a tiny and easy-to-use jQuery image rotator plugin that slides (or fade) through an arbitrary number of images at a given speed.
Infinite Looping Scroller Plugin With jQuery - loopmovement
- Rotator - 3830 Viewsloopmovement is a really simple jQuery scroller plugin that scrolls vertically or horizontally through a series of html content in a fixed height container.
Highly Customizable jQuery Text Rotator Plugin - atrotating.js
- Rotator - 3110 Viewsatrotating.js is a lightweight, CSS-less jQuery plugin used for rotate a set of text or html elements (separated by '|' by default) in and out on a given interval.
Lightweight Horizontal Rotator Plugin With jQuery and CSS3 - jRotator
- Rotator - 1375 ViewsjRotator is a minimal, lightweight jQuery plugin that enables you to rotate horizontally through a series of html content using CSS3 transitions and transforms.
3D Card Carousel / Rotator With jQuery And CSS3
- Rotator - 12491 ViewsA jQuery based 3D carousel that uses CSS3 transition and transform to rotate through a series of html elements like stacked cards.
Small Cross-fading Text Rotator Plugin For jQuery
- Rotator - 4777 ViewsA very small jQuery plugin which provides a simple way to sequentially or randomly fade-in / fade-out a list of text at a certain interval.