Free jQuery image rotator Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'image rotator' are listed here.
Versatile Touch-enabled Slider Plugin With jQuery - EasySlides
- Slider - 16391 ViewsEasySlides is a fancy jQuery slider plugin to create responsive, mobile-friendly content carousels with minimal markup.
Animated 3D Image Rotator with jQuery And CSS3 Transforms
- Rotator - 587 ViewsThis fancy 3D image rotator allows you to smoothly rotate through a series of images with next/prev buttons.
Automatic Slideshow With Fade/Slide/Flip Transitions - cb-slideshowad-js
- Slideshow - 1620 ViewsA lightweight and feature-rich jQuery slideshow plugin designed to infinitely rotate through a collection of images with accompanying links.
Interactive 360º Product Viewer Plugin With JQuery - Angle View
- Rotator - 10908 ViewsAngle View is a jQuery based 360º image viewer used to rotate through a list of product images that change at different angles with mouse move or drag.
Touch-enabled 360 Degree Product View - 360ImageRotate
- Other - 5583 Views360ImageRotate is a responsive, mobile-friendly image viewer/rotator plugin that engages your visitors with a 360-degree viewing experience with your products.
3D Card Rotator/Carousel With jQuery And CSS3 - Card Slider
- Slider - 11357 ViewsA mobile-friendly 3D card slider/rotator/carousel plugin designed for presenting logos, products, favorite images, etc.
360-degree Product Image Viewer - jQuery rotate360.js
- Other - 6274 Viewsrotate360.js is a jQuery based 3D image viewer that makes use of jQuery UI slider widget to provide a 360-degree viewing experience for your product images.
Full-featured jQuery Image Slider/Carousel/Rotator Plugin - Slide
- Slider - 7141 ViewsSlide is a powerful, multifunctional jQuery plugin used to present you favorite images in a fully customizable slider/scroller/slideshow/carousel/rotator.
Circular Rotating Slider With jQuery And CSS3
- Rotator - 22329 ViewsA fancy jQuery plugin for creating a responsive, mobile-friendly, circular rotator where the users are able to rotate through slides with mouse drag and touch swipe.
Canvas Based Image Sequence Animation Plugin For jQuery - Segment Animator
- Animation - 4738 ViewsSegment Animator is a jQuery plugin used for creating a 360° image/product viewer by animating(rotating) through image sequences on an HTML5 canvas element.
Responsive 3D Image Slider Plugin For jQuery - MWslider
- Slider - 17222 ViewsMWslider is a pretty simple jQuery plugin for creating a responsive 3D slider that enlarges the current image when it's rotated into the center of the screen.
Cross-browser Image Rotator Plugin For jQuery - hislide
- Rotator - 5356 Viewshislide is an easy-to-use, cross-browser jQuery plugin used to present your 7 favorite images in an infinite-looping rotator interface.
Tilted Image Gallery / Rotator With jQuery And CSS3 - jGallery
- Gallery - 4714 ViewsjGallery is a jQuery plugin which lets you create a fancy, dynamic, tilted gallery / rotator using CSS3 transition, transform and perspective properties.
Minimal 3D Perspective Image Carousel With jQuery And CSS3
- Slider - 10283 ViewsJust another 3D perspective image slider/carousel that allows your users to rotate through an html list of images in a 3D space, implemented in jQuery and CSS/CSS3.
Minimal 3D Image Rotator / Viewer Plugin With jQuery - rotate3D
- Rotator - 10648 Viewsrotate3D is a jQuery plugin used for creating a 360 degree 3D Panoramic View for your product that allows to rotate a sequence of images of different angles via mouse drag.
Easy Coverflow Carousel Plugin For jQuery - Carousel.js
- Rotator - 13613 ViewsA cross-browser (IE8+) jQuery plugin used for create a coverflow-style 3D perspective image carousel / rotator with convenient configuration options.
3D Image Slice Rotator With jQuery And CSS3 - Ali Slider
- Rotator - 4231 ViewsAli Slider is a tiny jQuery plugin used to create an automatic image rotator/slider with a cool 3D slice animation based on CSS3 transforms and transitions.
Lightweight jQuery 3D Image Rotator Plugin - Carrousel
- Rotator - 3454 ViewsCarrousel is a cross-browser and high-performance jQuery plugin used to present your image in an automatic 3D rotator / carousel interface.
3D Transforms Based jQuery Image Carousel / Rotator
- Rotator - 3203 ViewsjQuery CSS Carousel uses CSS3 3D transforms to render a 3D perspective hexagon image carousel / rotator with next / prev navigation buttons on your webpage.
3D Perspective Image Rotator with jQuery - PicCarousel.js
- Rotator - 5831 ViewsPicCarousel.js is a simple, CSS-less jQuery plugin that helps you create a 3D perspective image rotator (carousel) for showcasing your favorite images.
Interactive 360º Image Rotator Plugin - Turntable.js
- Rotator - 6683 ViewsA simple jQuery slider plugin which helps you create an interactive, responsive image rotator to provide a great 360º viewing experience with your product images.
Lightweight Automatic Image Rotator Plugin - zSlider.js
- Rotator - 2123 ViewszSlider.js is a tiny and easy-to-use jQuery image rotator plugin that slides (or fade) through an arbitrary number of images at a given speed.
Simplest 3D Image Carousel Plugin For jQuery - Carousel.js
- Rotator - 30628 ViewsA dead simple, unobtrusive jQuery carousel plugin for cycling automatically through a list of images like a 3D rotator.
Minimal Touch-enabled 3D Rotator with jQuery and CSS3 - swipeToRotate
- Rotator - 2346 ViewsswipeToRotate is a very small jQuery plugin that uses CSS3 transitions and transforms to create a 3D cube image rotator with touch swipe and mouse drag support.
Cross-browser 3D Rotator Plugin For jQuery - rollingslider.js
- Rotator - 14074 Viewsrollingslider.js is a jQuery plugin for generating a cross-bowser 3D rotator / carousel UI from a list of html elements.
Minimal 3D Image Rotator with jQuery and CSS3 - Cascade Slider
- Slider - 16989 ViewsCascade Slider is a super lightweight jQuery plugin used for generating an image carousel slider that acts like a 3D rotator with navigation and pagination.
Automatic Image Rotator / Carousel Plugin with jQuery
- Rotator - 1949 ViewsYet another jQuery image carousel plugin which automatically rotate through any number of images at a given interval.
Creating A 3D Image Carousel / Rotator with jQuery and CSS3 - jCarrousel
- Rotator - 4427 ViewsjCarrousel is a simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin used to rotate through a group of images (or html objects) like a 3D carousel / rotator.
Simple Photo Stack Rotator Plugin with jQuery - Photostack.js
- Gallery - 9753 ViewsPhotostack.js is ajQuery plugin to create a photo stack effect that allows the users to switch between photos by clicking on the top one.
Responsive Image Rotator Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - vitrine.js
- Rotator - 3959 Viewsvitrine.js is a very small jQuery plugin to create a responsive image rotator / carousel that allows you to loop through images by clicking left or right sibling elements.
Simple Automatic Image Rotator Plugin with jQuery
- Rotator - 2537 ViewsA simple, lightweight jQuery image rotator/gallery plugin that features auto-rotation and vertical thumbnail navigation bar.
Circular Image Rotator with jQuery and Animate.css
- Rotator - 3884 ViewsA super tiny jQuery plugin to create a circular image rotator/carousel with awesome CSS3 entrance/exit animations based on animate.css.
Simple Background Image Rotator/Carousel Plugin - SSlide
- Rotator - 2933 ViewsSSlide is a simple jQuery image rotator/carousel plugin which allows you to slide through a series of background images defined in a data array.
Simple Content Slider/Rotator Plugin with jQuery and jQuery UI
- Rotator - 3865 ViewsA jQuery & jQuery UI based content slider/rotator plugin which allows you to cycle through a set of Html elements (images, text, inline elements).
Simple jQuery Image Rotator On Mouse Hover - Images rotation
- Rotator - 7034 ViewsImages Rotation is a simple image rotator plugin for jQuery that automatically rotates an array of images at a specified speed when hovers over an image container.
Tiny jQuery Crossfading Image Slideshow Plugin - Infinite Rotator
- Slideshow - 4021 ViewsInfinite Rotator is a jQuery slideshow plugin that cycles through a list of images with support for crossfade effect and endless loop.
360 Degrees Image Rotate & Zoom Plugin with jQuery and Canvas - Tikslus360
- Zoom - 40090 ViewsTikslus360 is a jQuery & Html5 canvas based 360 degree panoramic view plugin which allows you to rotate a product image by mouse moving as well as zooming the image with a magnifying glass effect by click and drag.
Responsive & Scalable jQuery Slider Carousel Plugin - Skate
- Slider - 7870 ViewsSkate is a responsive, touch-enabled, flexible jQuery slider plugin for creating an image slideshow/carousel/rotator with ease.
Instagram Style jQuery Image Rotator Plugin - Instaheader
- Rotator - 1928 ViewsInstaheader is a very lightweight jQuery for creating an Instagram App-style image rotator/slideshow with a simple image switch effect.
Full-Width Responsive jQuery Slider / Banner Rotator Plugin
- Slider - 68105 ViewsJust another jQuery slider plugin that creates a responsive image slider & banner rotator to switch featured images/contents with a fade effect and dots/arrows navigation support.
Simple Image Rotator jQuery Plugin - Banner Rotator
- Rotator - 1948 ViewsBanner Rotator is a minimal jQuery image rotator plugin to rotate the banner images when mouse hovers the image description section.
Simple jQuery Image Rotator Plugin - imageRotator
- Rotator - 2391 ViewsimageRotator is a tiny & cross browser jQuery plugin for displaying a set of your images as a slideshow with a simple fade-in effect.