Easy Responsive Image Carousel & Slider Plugin - jQuery SkySlider

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Easy Responsive Image Carousel & Slider Plugin - jQuery SkySlider

SkySlider is a small and simple-to-use jQuery plugin to create a fully responsive image carousel or slider that features infinite loop, auto play, callback function, custom animation speed and more.

Available modes:

  • Slider: crossfading effect.
  • Carousel: horizontal scrolling.

How to use it:

1. Import jQuery library together with the SkySlider plugin's files into the html file.

<link href="css/slider.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js" 
<script src="js/slider.js">

2. Add your images together with caption text and navigation controls to the slider/carousel.

<div class="slider demo" id="slider">
  <div class="slider_viewport">
    <div class="slider_list">
        <div class="slider_item">
          <div class="slider_item-content">Caption 1</div>
          <img src="1.jpg"/>
        <div class="slider_item">
          <div class="slider_item-content">Caption 2</div>
          <img src="2.jpg"/>
        <div class="slider_item">
          <div class="slider_item-content">Caption 3</div>
          <img src="3.jpg"/>
        <div class="slider_item">
          <div class="slider_item-content">Caption 4</div>
          <img src="4.jpg"/>
  <div class="slider_nav">
    <div class="slider_arrow slider_arrow__left">
    <div class="slider_arrow slider_arrow__right">

3. Initialize the plugin to create a basic image sldier.


4. Initialize the plugin as an image carousel.

  carousel: true

5. Set the interval and duration in milliseconds.

  interval: 3000,
  duration: 500

6. Specify the number of images to show per slide.

  items: 2 // default: 1

7. Enable/disable the autoplay functionality.

  autoplay: true // default: false

8. Enable/disable the infinite loop functionality.

  loop: false // default: true

9. Get the current slide index.

  callback: function(number) {
    console.log('Current slideSet - ' + number);

10. Get the total number of slides.


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by skyangelzp. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.