Lightweight jQuery Image Carousel Slider Plugin - seeSlide.js

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License: MIT
Lightweight jQuery Image Carousel Slider Plugin - seeSlide.js

seeSlide.js is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that helps you create a carousel-style automatic image slider / slideshow with a subtle Parallax Scrolling transition effect.

How to use it:

1. Add jQuery library and other required resources to your web page.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="js/seeSlide.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/seeSlide.css">

2. Add your images into a container with a specified ID of 'seeSlide'.

<div id="seeSlide">
  <img src="1.jpg" />
  <img src="2.jpg" />
  <img src="3.jpg" />

3. That's it. You can override the default options by editing the seeSlide.js.

// how many millisecods each slide will be visible for. 
slideDuration: 3000,

// how quickly the next image will slide in to place. 
slideOnDuration: 1000,

// how quickly the current image will slide out of view. 
slideOffDuration: 2500,

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by seemc0. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.