Creating A Simple Social Share Bar with jQuery Stoopid Social Plugin

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License: MIT
Creating A Simple Social Share Bar with jQuery Stoopid Social Plugin

Stoopid Social a simple jQuery plugin to create a social share bar for sharing your content on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pintrest, and Google plus.

How to use it:

1. Create an empty element that will be served as a social share bar container.

<div class="share-bar"></div>

2. Load the jQuery library and the jQuery stoopid social plugin at the end of the web page.

<script src=""></script>
<script src="stoopidSocial.js"></script>

3. Call the plugin on the container element you just created and set the custom content you want to share.

networks: ['facebook', 'twitter', 'pintrest', 'google', 'linkedin'], // The social networks to create share buttons
shareData: { // The data to share
title: 'jQuery Stoopid Social Plugin',
copy: 'Stoopid Social a simple jQuery plugin to create a social share bar for sharing your content on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pintrest, and Google plus.',
image: '1.png',
url: ''
facebookSDK: true, // Loads the Facebook JavaScript SDK
facebookAppID: 'FACEBOOK APP ID', // The Facebook App ID to use for the JavaScript SDK
twitterSDK: true, // Loads the Twitter SDK
injectStyles: true, // Inject styles for the share buttons
customNetwork: function (network, shareData) {}  // Callback function for custom share buttons

Change log:


  • Stoopid Social can now be applied to the same element more than once


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by bobscott. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.