Free jQuery file upload Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'file upload' are listed here.
Small Custom Drag'n'drop File Upload Plugin For jQuery
- Form - 7490 ViewsA small jQuery plugin that improves your file uploading experience for users. Implement drag and drop, file previews and deletion.
Multiple File Upload Validation Plugin - Multifile
- Form - 9951 ViewsAn advanced multiple file selection jQuery plugin that chiefly enhances the native file input with file size & file format validation and more.
Multiple Video & Image Upload Plugin - jQuery Miv.js
- Form - 4832 ViewsA jQuery plugin that allows you to select multiple images and/or videos from local and automatically generates file input fields with corresponding names.
Drag'n'drop File Upload Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - bs-dropzone.js
- Form - 5311 ViewsA jQuery & Bootstrap 4 based dropzone file upload plugin that allows you to select files to upload via drag and drop.
Advanced Drag'n'drop File Uploader - jQuery 5x5jqpi.js
- Form - 7075 ViewsAn advanced drag'n'drop file uploader built on top of jQuery and Bootstrap framework.
Drag And Drop File Upload Zone In JavaScript - SimpleDropit
- Form - 3635 ViewsA JavaScript plugin that transforms any standard file input into a customizable, user-friendly, drag'n'drop zone for file uploader.
Drag And Drop Multi-file Upload Plugin - jQuery file-dropzone
- Form - 8811 Viewsfile-dropzone is a tiny yet highly customizable jQuery plugin for uploading multiple files to a web server via drag and drop.
Advanced Extensible File Upload Component - rg-uploader
- Form - 2332 Viewsrg-uploader is an advanced, extensible file upload component designed to upload attachments and manipulate uploaded files in an elegant way.
Stunning File Picker & Uploader Plugin In jQuery - Exort
- Form - 3700 ViewsExort is a brand new and pretty nice jQuery file picker & uploader plugin that supports multi-file selection, file preview, file size/type validation, upload handling and much more.
Simple Front-end Image Editor with jQuery and Html5 Canvas - picEdit
- Other - 41525 ViewspicEdit is a simple jQuery image editor worked with Html5 canvas element that creates an image upload box with tools to edit images on the front-end before uploading.