Universal Placeholder Text (Lorem Ipsum) Generator - getlorem
File Size: | 8.56 KB |
Views Total: | 3552 |
Last Update: | |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |

Getlorem is a JavaScript library used for adding a specific amount of Lorem Ipsum paragraphs, words, sentences, bytes and even lists to any container element. Created for both Node.js and Browser. Also can be used as a jQuery plugin that is easy to implement using HTML5 data attribute as you seen below.
Install the Getlorem via NPM:
npm install getlorem
Basic usage:
1. API methods:
// Generats 5 words getlorem.words(5); // Generats 5sentences getlorem.sentences(5); // Generats paragraphs getlorem.paragraphs(5); // Generats 5 lists getlorem.lists(5); // Generats 5 bytes getlorem.bytes(5);
2. To use as a JQuery plugin, Just add the data attribute data-getlorem and give it a number of words, for example data-getlorem="50"
<div data-getlorem="50"></div>
About Author:
Author: Luke Haas
Website: https://lukehaas.me
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by lukehaas. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.