jQuery Plugin For Replacing Synonyms Within Text - Synonyms

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License: MIT
jQuery Plugin For Replacing Synonyms Within Text - Synonyms

Synonyms is a jQuery plugin which automatically tags specified words within the text and allows to replace them with the synonyms from a suggestion popup.

How to use it:

1. Put jQuery library together with the synonyms.css and jquery.synonyms.js into your web project.

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.synonyms.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="synonyms.css">

2. Create an editable element using the contenteditable="true" attribute.

<div contenteditable="true">

3. Call the function on the element you just created and specify a list of synonyms you want to use.

$('div').synonyms(options = {
  'thesaurusRaw': [
    ['jquery', 'javascript', 'zepto'], 
    ['react', 'angular', 'react-native']

4. More configuration options with default values.

$('div').synonyms(options = {

  'thesaurusRaw': [
    ['jquery', 'javascript', 'zepto'], 
    ['react', 'angular', 'react-native']

  // maximum number of synonyms
  maxSynonyms: 6,

  // shuffle synonyms
  shuffleSynonyms: true,

  // limit the number of characters
  characterCountLimit: null,

  // callback
  replaceCallback: function(){}

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by andrewjgremmo. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.