Fast Live Search Plugin With Text Highlighting - Gsearch

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Official Website: Go to website
License: MIT
Fast Live Search Plugin With Text Highlighting - Gsearch

Gsearch is a tiny, fast jQuery live search plugin that allows to search through large element sets and highlight matched text like the search result. The plugin will autumatically generate a sticky search filed which allows to search text through a particular container as you type.

How to use it:

1. Add jQuery library and the jQuery Gsearch plugin's script into your webpages.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="gsearch.js"></script>

2. Create an inline element to place the sticky search field.

<span id="update_stiky_search"></span>

3. Call the function and specify the target container you want to search text through (Default is 'body').

  content_main: $('.main')

4. Call the function and specify the target container you want to search text through (Default is 'body').

  content_main: $('.main')

5. Change the background color of matched text.

  content_main: $('.main'),
  background_color: 'yellow'

6. Adjust the top margin of the sticky search field.

  content_main: $('.main'),
  background_color: 'yellow',
  margin_top: '100px',

7. By default the plugin will add the CSS class 'highlight' to all matched text for further styling. You can change the CSS classname in the JavaScript.

  content_main: $('.main'),
  background_color: 'yellow',
  margin_top: '100px',
  highlight_class: 'highlight'

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by gurudath. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.