Converts Numbers Into English Words - jQuery inword
File Size: | 14.6 KB |
Views Total: | 1379 |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |

Yet another number to word converter that converts arbitrary integers into English words in a user-friendly way.
More features:
- Shows words in tooltips, specific containers or sliding labels.
- Shows on hover. Useful for non-input elements.
- Suffix and/or prefix.
- All positive and negative integers are supported.
- Custom word jointer and thousand separator.
- Allows to ignore decimal or not.
- Compatible with the latest Bootstrap framework.
See also:
- jQuery Plugin To Convert Numbers Into Words - num2words
- JavaScript Library To Convert Numbers To Words – numberToWordsJS
How to use it:
1. Insert the jQuery inword plugin's files together with the latest jQuery library into the HTML document.
<link href="/path/to/inword.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="/path/to/inword.js"></script>
2. Load the Bootstrap framework if you'd like to use the Tooltip mode (OPTIONAL).
<link href="/path/to/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="/path/to/bootstrap.js"></script>
3. Attach the function inword
to a normal text or number input and done.
<input type="number" id="basic">
4. The plugin also suppports non-input elements:
<div id="hover">12345</div>
$("#hover").inword({ hover: true });
5. Display the words in a Bootstrap tooltip.
$("Selector").inword({ type: 'tooltip' });
6. Display the words in a specific container.
$("Selector").inword({ type: 'placer', placerId: 'placerContainer' // optional });
7. Append suffix and/or prefix to the words.
$("Selector").inword({ prefix: '$', suffix: 'only' });
8. Customize the position of the Tooltip & Placer. Acceptable values: right, left, top, bottom.
$("Selector").inword({ position: "right" });
9. You can also define the value in the JavaScript:
$("Selector").inword({ vaule: "12345" });
10. Customize the text/background colors.
$("Selector").inword({ color: "#ffffff", backgroundColor: "#47a3da" });
11. Customize the word jointer and thousand separator.
$("Selector").inword({ wordJoiner: '-', thousandSeperator: ',' });
12. Handler the case sensitive. Acceptable values: ucfirst, upper, lower.
$("Selector").inword({ case: 'lower' });
13. Determine whether or not to ignore decimal value.
$("Selector").inword({ ignoreDecimal: true });
14. All default plugin options.
$("Selector").inword({ type: "helper", value: null, position: "right", color: "#ffffff", backgroundColor: "#47a3da", prefix: null, suffix: null, placerId: null, hover: false, case: 'ucfirst', wordJoiner: '-', thousandSeperator: '', ignoreDecimal: false });
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by khalidkhondoker. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.