Check If Current Time Falls Within A Specific Date Range - Now Open
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
Now Open is a small jQuery plugin that makes it possible to check if current time falls in a time range you specify. Supports week days and exclude days/times. Typical use cases for this plugin include live chat, customer service and more.
Basic usage:
1. Insert jQuery library and the jQuery Now Open plugin's script into the html file:
<script src="//"></script> <script src="js/now_open.js"></script>
2. Set the datetime range and exclude days/times as these:
var myWeek = [ {'1':[8.5,20]}, {'2':[8.5,20]}, {'3':[8.5,20]}, {'4':[8.5,20]}, {'5':[8.5,20]}, {'6':[10,20]} ]; var myExcludes = [ [1,1], [1,6] ];
3. Initialize the plugin by calling the function on the desired element.
$('#element').now_open({ week: myWeek, excludes: myExcludes });
4. Do something if the current time is in the datetime range.
$('#element').now_open({ week: myWeek, excludes: myExcludes, callback: myCallback, }); function myCallback(element, isOpen){ if(isOpen){ element.html('<i class="fa fa-phone-square"></i> We are open... call us!'); } else { element.html('<i class="fa fa-phone-square"></i> Live Chat Offline'); } }
5. Set the latency time in minutes to keep checking the current time.
$('#element').now_open({ week: myWeek, excludes: myExcludes, callback: myCallback, latency: 1 });
6. You can also specify the current time instead of the local time.
$('#element').now_open({ week: myWeek, excludes: myExcludes, callback: myCallback, latency: 1, currentDate: "June 9, 2017 11:00:00" });
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by alotropico. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.