Show Full Size Image On Hover - jQuery Image Magnifier

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License: MIT
Show Full Size Image On Hover - jQuery Image Magnifier

A simple, cross-browser Image Magnifier jQuery plugin that enables the user to show the full-size image on hover and view details with mouse move.

How to use it:

1. Load the image-magnifier.css and image-magnifier.js into the webpage which has jQuery loaded.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="image-magnifier.css">
<script src="" 
<script src="image-magnifier.js"></script>

2. Initialize the Image Magnifier and specify the paths to the thumbnail & full size images. In this example, the plugin will apply an inner zoom functionality on the image.

  { blur: false, inner: true, tint: false },
  { src: 'full.jpg', height: 1280, width: 1600 },
  { src: 'thumb.jpg', height: 512, width: 640 }

3. Display the enlarged images next to the thumbnail with a blur effect.

  { blur: true, inner: false, tint: false },
  { src: 'full.jpg', height: 1280, width: 1600 },
  { src: 'thumb.jpg', height: 512, width: 640 }

4. Apply an overlay effect to the thumbnail when hovering.

  { blur: false, inner: false, tint: '#FF0000' },
  { src: 'full.jpg', height: 1280, width: 1600 },
  { src: 'thumb.jpg', height: 512, width: 640 }

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by CharlesStover. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.