Minimal Full Screen Vertical Slider with jQuery - Scroll On Scroll

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License: MIT
Minimal Full Screen Vertical Slider with jQuery - Scroll On Scroll

Scroll On Scroll is a CSS-less jQuery fullscreen vertical slider plugin that animates scrolling to the next content section of your webpage when scrolling down.

How to use it:

1. Load the latest version of jQuery library and the jQuery scroll on scroll plugin at the bottom of your webpage.

<script src="jquery.min.js"></script> 
<script src="jquery.scroll-on-scroll.js"></script> 

2. Insert your sectioned content into the webpage.

<div id="main">
  <section class="scroll-target active">First section</section>
  <section class="scroll-target">Second section</section>
  <section class="scroll-target">Third section</section>
  <section class="scroll-target">Fourth section</section>

3. That's it. The plugin will detect the scroll down event and scroll the webpage to the top of your next content section.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by bjorncooley. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.