Free jQuery scrolling Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'scrolling' are listed here.
Create Fullscreen One Page Scrolling Websites With fullPage.js
- Layout - 117833 ViewsfullPage.js is yet another jQuery plugin for one page website that allows you to create vertical or horizontal scrolling web page with smooth animations and easing options.
Autocue Teleprompter Like jQuery Text Scroll Plugin - scrollocue
- Animation - 2405 ViewsScrollocue is a jQuery scroll plugin that allows you to smoothly scroll through lines of text with the arrow keys, space bar or just click, similar to an autocue teleprompter system.
Spotify-Like Parallax Scrolling Effect with jQuery - Parallax.js
- Animation - 19676 ViewsYet another jQuery parallax plugin that helps you create Spotify-like parallax scrolling effect on your web page.
Flexible & Customizable jQuery News Ticker Plugin - Easy Ticker
- Animation - 40366 ViewsEasy Ticker is a jQuery plugin helps you create a highly customizable, cross browser, flexible and infinite news ticker on your web page.
Easy jQuery Plugin For Vertical Scroll Snapping - Scrollify
- Layout - 47421 ViewsScrollify is a jQuery plugin that enhances your one page scrolling website experience by providing snapping behavior as you scroll down the page.
jQuery Plugin For One Page Navigation Plugin - Page Scroll To ID
- Layout - 48305 ViewsPage Scroll To ID is a jQuery plugin to create anchor links which allow you to vertically and horizontally scroll to corresponding sections of your page with custom animations and easing effects.
Responsive jQuery News Ticker Plugin with Bootstrap - Bootstrap News Box
- Slider - 215562 ViewsA jQuery and Bootstrap 3 based plugin for creating a clean responsive news ticker/slider that allows you to vertically scroll html contents with autoplay and up/down navigation support.
Awesome JavaScript Library For Magical Scroll Interactions - ScrollMagic
- Animation - 23863 ViewsScrollMagic is an awesome JS Scroll Interaction library that allows you to do lots of cool stuff when scrolling down/up your web & mobile page.
jQuery Plugin To Add CSS3 Scrolling Effects On Your Web Page - Smoove
- Animation - 10227 ViewsSmoove is a lightweight jQuery plugin for adding amazing CSS3 based scrolling effects to Html elements as you scroll down the page.
jQuery Plugin For Single Page Scroll To Navigation
- Menu - 22297 ViewsSingle Page Nav is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating navigation links that allow to smoothly scroll to desired sections of your page.
jQuery Plugin For Creating Multi-purpose Scrolling Effects - Scroolly
- Animation - 3642 ViewsScrolly is a powerful jQuery plugin for creating cool scrolling effects as you scroll down the page, including parallax scrolling, scroll to top, reading progress bar, sticky headlines, accordion, and much more.
Lightweight jQuery Parallax Scrolling Plugin - HW Parallax
- Animation - 4294 ViewsHW Parallax is a simple and easy-to-implement jQuery plugin that allows to apply the popular Parallax scrolling effects on background images.
Simple Background Parallax Scrolling Effect With jQuery
- Animation - 8405 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin adds Spotify inspired parallax (background) scrolling effect to your website.
Animated Page Scrolling Effect with jQuery - superscrolloram
- Animation - 6706 Viewssuperscrollorama is a awesome jQuery plugin that adds amazing scroll animation effects to your webpage.
Lightweight One Directional Scrolling Plugin Sly - Sly
- Other - 3967 ViewsSly is a lightweight jQuery plugin that make it easier to add awesome Scrolling effect to your website. It supports Vertical scroll, Horizontal scroll and infinite scroll.
Simple Spotify-Like jQuery Image Parallax Effect Plugin - Parallax ImageScroll
- Animation - 17962 ViewsParallax ImageScroll is a simple and easy jQuery plugin for creating image parallax effects when scrolling the page, inspired by
Merry Christmas Parallax Scrolling Effects - skrollr
- Animation - 13706 ViewsAwesome parallax scrolling effects built with skrollr.js for create a beautiful Merry Christmas site.
jQuery Amazing Scrolling Presentation Plugin - scrolldeck
- Animation - 10244 Viewsscrolldeck is a cool jQuery plugin that make it easier to create amazing scrolling presentation like Slide Animations, Image Slides and parallax effects for your project.
Simple Parallax Scrolling Plugin For jQuery - scrolly
- Animation - 22272 Viewsscrolly is a simple, lightweight, and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for easily implements parallax scrolling effects to your web pages or web applications.
Smart Scrolling Plugin For jQuery - Dragon
- Other - 3252 ViewsDragon is a fast and simple jQuery plugin that enables you to create scrolling content in both direction with mouse wheel, mouse drag and touch action.
jQuery Plugin To Snap To Next Section As You Scroll Through The Webpage - Section Snap
- Layout - 19913 ViewsSection Snap is a jQuery plugin designed for one page scrolling website that provides window snapping functionality to a set of content sections.
jQuery Plugin For Animated Vertical Scroll Snapping - Scrollsnap
- Animation - 9812 ViewsScrollsnap is a simple and useful jQuery plugin for providing a snapping behaviour to enhance the scrolling experience.
jQuery Plugin For Full Containers with Scroll Animation Support - FullContent
- Layout - 3207 ViewsFullContent is a simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for creating full containers with width and height of window.
jQuery Plugin To Create Elements Fly-in Effects On Scroll
- Animation - 10916 ViewsMakes use of jQuery and CSS3 transitions & transforms to make Html elements as you scroll down the web page.
Smooth Full Page Scroller Plugin For jQuery - goMover
- Layout - 2500 ViewsgoMover is a simple and easy jQuery plugin that helps you create a one page scrolling website with smooth sliding effects.
jQuery Plugin For Side Tabs Scrolling - Scrolltab
- Animation - 2781 ViewsScrolltab is a fancy jQuery plugin which enables you attach floating tabs to the scrollbar of the browser that will scroll the page to the position indicated by the tab.
Smart jQuery Scrolling Navigation Bar Plugin - Scroll Nav
- Menu - 27695 ViewsScroll Nav is a lightweight (~3kb unzipped) and smart jQuery plugin for creating a sticky navigation bar at the top of you web page that will auto hide (reappear) when scrolling down (up) the page.
Basic jQuery Smooth Scrolling Plugin - smoothScroll
- Animation - 15006 ViewssmoothScroll is an ultra-lightweight jQuery plugin which provides smooth anchor scrolling experience to your long content web page.
jQuery Plugin For Creating A Simple Teleprompter - Teleprompter
- Text - 2654 ViewsTeleprompter is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to automatically scroll through lines of text like the teleprompter (auto cue) or the movie end credits.
Background Image Parallax Scrolling Effect with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 5713 ViewsWith Html5, CSS3 and a little jQuery magic, we‘re able to create a simple famous parallax effect on the background images as you scroll the web page.
Creating A Full Page Wipe Effect with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 4958 ViewsAn imperfect emulation of the beautiful website Airnauts to create a cool full page 'wipe' effect using jQuery, CSS3 and SVG.
Vertical Scrolling Image Gallery with jQuery and jQuery UI - Scroll Slider
- Gallery - 24261 ViewsScroll Slider is a jQuery & jQuery UI based gallery plugin which allows you scroll through a set of images with thumbnails by dragging the inner scrollbar.
Cool List Scrolling Effect with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 1971 ViewsWith jQuery, CSS3 and a little bit of Javascript, we can create a list box that expands a drop down list with a cool mouse movement direction-aware scrolling effect.
jQuery Plugin For Element Fade/Slide Effects As You Scroll - FadeThis
- Animation - 43590 ViewsFadeThis is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to create fade/slide animations when Html elements come in (or out of) the viewport.
jQuery Plugin For Smooth One Page Scroller Plugin - Smooth Scroller
- Animation - 2073 ViewsSmooth Scroller is a super light jQuery plugin to generate anchoring links which allows to smoothly scroll to corresponding content sections.
Creating A One Page Parallax Scrolling Website Using jQuery
- Animation - 3313 ViewsIn this post we're going to create a background image parallax effect on your one page scrolling website with the help of jQuery and a little javascript magic.
Smooth Parallax Effects with jQuery and CSS3 - woolParalax
- Animation - 5236 ViewswoolParalax is a simple jQuery plugin used to create a smooth parallax effect from a set of DIV layers as you scroll down the page or move the mouse.
Easy jQuery & Html5 Based Image Parallax Scrolling Effect
- Animation - 3249 ViewsA super tiny jQuery plugin to add trendy Parallax scrolling effects on the images as you scroll down the web page.
jQuery Plugin For Simple Html Element Scrolling Effects - scrollme
- Animation - 7468 Viewsscrollme is a simple lightweight jQuery plugin which allows to scale, rotate, translate and change the opacity of Html elements as you scroll down/up the web page.
One Page Scrolling Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 6986 ViewsScroll Nav is a jQuery plugin designed for one page scrolling website that generates a side navigation to indicate which page section you stay in.
Google+ App Like Pullup Effect with jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 1693 ViewsA cool Google+ app like pull-up effect bulit on top of jQuery and CSS3 transitions & transforms.
jQuery Plugin For Simple Element Scrolling Effects - Scransition
- Animation - 1135 ViewsScransition is an ultra-light (1kb unminified) jQuery plugin to animate Html elements with CSS3 transitions when you scroll down the page.
jQuery Plugin To Animate Elements When They Scroll Into View - inview
- Animation - 18102 Viewsinview is a jQuery plugin used to add or remove CSS classes to Html elements when they enter or leave viewport, so that you can apply custom CSS3 animations on them as you scroll down the page.
jQuery Plugin For Horizontal Parallax Scrolling - jInvertScroll
- Animation - 21459 ViewsjInvertScroll is a lightweight and fast jQuery plugin for creating horizontal parallax scrolling effects on page scroll down.
Lightweight jQuery Plugin To Create Scrolling Images - picMarque
- Animation - 6560 ViewspicMarque is a super tiny jQuery plugin used to create scrolling images like the old traditional Html marquee tag.
Create Scrolling Movie End Credits For Webpage Using jQuery
- Animation - 10263 ViewsEnd Credits is a jQuery plugin used to scroll a list of Html elements smoothly from bottom to top in a fullpage black screen, similar to the scrolling movie credits.
jQuery Content Slider Plugin with Parallax Scrolling Effects - SaucySlider
- Slider - 9514 ViewsSaucySlider is a cool jQuery plugin for creating a content slider with CSS3 based smooth horizontal parallax effects.
Creating Apple-Like Fullscreen One Page Scrolling Website with jQuery
- Slider - 10741 ViewsUI Page Scrolling is a stunning jQuery plugin for creating an Apple iPhone 5S/5C website style fullscreen one page scroller that allows to vertically or horizontally navigate through different sections of your page.
jQuery Scroll To Plugin With Easing Effects - Animate Scroll
- Animation - 12302 ViewsAnimate Scroll is a jQuery scroll plugin that allows you to scroll to any part of the page with smooth animations and easing effects support.
jQuery Plugin For Scrollable Modal Dialog - Long Dialog
- LightBox - 5452 ViewsLong Dialog is a super-light jQuery modal plugin designed for long content popup dialog.
Super Simple jQuery Based Parallax Scrolling Effect
- Animation - 5506 ViewsA super simple and lightweight jQuery solution to apply a cross browser parallax scrolling effect on your background images.
Minimal jQuery Background Parallax Scrolling Plugin
- Animation - 7331 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin for easily and quickly creating a simple background image parallax scrolling effect on your page.
jQuery Plugin For Horizontal One Page Scrolling Web Page - Horizontal Blocks
- Layout - 9109 ViewsHorizontal Blocks is a jQuery plugin that turns a single page into a collection of scrollable horizontal blocks with keyboard, mouse wheel and thumbnails navigation.
Simple Parallax Scrolling Effect with jQuery and CSS3 - Efecto Parallax
- Animation - 8229 ViewsYet another Parallax plugin based on jQuery and CSS3 to create background image parallax scrolling effect when scrolling down/up the page.
Simple Background Parallax Effect Plugin For jQuery - parallaxDiv.js
- Animation - 2540 ViewsparallaxDiv.js is a super tiny jQuery plugin for applying a parallax scrolling effect on the background image of a container that reacts the position of the cursor or the orientation of a smart device that has gyroscope or motion detection h
Simple jQuery Plugin For Content Scrolling Effects - Ascensor.js
- Layout - 5539 ViewsAscensor.js is a simple jQuery plugin that allows to scroll and adapt content according to an elevator system.
Flexible jQuery Vertical News Ticker Plugin - Advanced News Ticker
- Animation - 53762 ViewsAdvanced News Ticker is a jQuery plugin used to vertically scroll a group of html contents as a news ticker.
iPhone-Like Dragging and Scrolling Plugin with jQuery - Overscroll
- Other - 3671 ViewsOverscroll is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create iPhone/iPad like scrolling effect on DOM elements of your page for using in a desktop browser.
jQuery Plugin To Animate Html Elements When In Viewport - flowup
- Animation - 2661 Viewsflowup is a simple jQuery plugin that reveals and animates the invisible Html elements with a 'flow-up' effect when you scroll down the page. Based on CSS3 animations and transforms.
jQuery Plugin For Parallax Scrolling Background Image - qpScroll
- Animation - 2669 ViewsqpScroll is a simple and easy jQuery resolution to move background images with a subtle parallax scrolling effect when scrolling down the page.
Simple Responsive Content Scrolling with jQuery Scroller Plugin
- Slider - 2823 ViewsScroller is a responsive & touch-enabled jQuery slider plugin that scrolls content horizontally left or right and supports swipe events on touch-screen devices..
Full Page Parallax Scrolling Effects with jQuery Swctallax and InView Plugins
- Layout - 13800 ViewsIn this article we're going to create full page parallax scrolling effects with the power of jQuery Swctallax and InView Plugins.
Lightweight jQuery Parallax Scrolling Plugin - VScroll.js
- Animation - 4562 ViewsVScroll.js is a super tiny jQuery plugin to implement vertical parallax scrolling effect on your website when scrolling up or down.
Scrolling Text Look Like An LED Display with jQuery leddisplay Plugin
- Text - 10898 Viewsleddisplay is a jQuery text animation plugin to scroll text horizontally like an LED/LCD display.
Yet Another One Page Slider Plugin with jQuery - Wolfe.js
- Slider - 4430 ViewsWolfe.js is another jQuery slider plugin for creating one page slider that allows to navigate through different sections of your page with smooth scrolling effects. Inspired by Apple's iPhone 5S website.
jQuery Vertical Scrolling Web Ticker Plugin - vticker
- Text - 19930 Viewsvticker is a simple jQuery plugin for creating a vertical scrolling ticker widget with one line of javascript code.
jQuery Snap Scrolling Plugin For Single Page Website - snapscroll
- Layout - 9518 Viewssnapscroll is a lightweight (~2kb) jQuery plugin designed for one page scrolling website that provides snapping functionality to enhances the scrolling experience.
jQuery Plugin For Smooth Scroll Animation - smoothScrollTo
- Animation - 1184 ViewssmoothScrollTo is a lightweight jQuery plugin that allows to scroll to any part of your web page with smooth animations and support for callback functions.
Easy jQuery Plugin For Scrolling Web Page - ScrollIt.js
- Animation - 11362 ViewsScrollIt.js is an easy-to-use and lightweight jQuery plugin that allows you to scroll to a part of the web page using keyboard up and down keys or clicking the scroll navigation links.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Animating Scroll With Easing - AnimatedScroll.js
- Animation - 3569 ViewsAnimatedScroll.js is a simple jQuery plugin that allows to scroll to any part of the page with native jQuery UI easing effects.
Apple-Like Vertical One Page Scrolling Plugin For jQuery - slidescroll
- Slider - 13180 Viewsslidescroll is a jQuery plugin to create a Apple's iPhone 5S website style one page scrolling website that allows to vertically navigate between different sections with smooth effects.
Super Simple jQuery Slider Plugin - jScroll
- Slider - 2902 ViewsjScroll is a very simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for creating a content slider with infinite scroll support and arrow navigation.
Tumblr News Ticker Widget with jQuery
- Social Media - 13560 ViewsA jQuery plugin for creating a Tumblr-Powered News Ticker that displays the most recent posts on your tumblr blog.
Responsive jQuery One Page Scrolling Layout with Fixed Background
- Layout - 12416 ViewsFixed Scroll Background is a jQuery plugin for creating responsive and full-screen One Page Scrolling website layout with fixed scrolling background and smooth selection effects.
jQuery Plugin For Scroll To Navigation Menu - jumpto
- Menu - 3675 Viewsjumpto is a jQuery plugin for automatically generating a 'Jump To' navigation menu based on heading tags that allow the user to scroll to any html content with a smooth scrolling effect.
Simple jQuery Animated Scroll To Plugin - Animate Scroll
- Animation - 2568 ViewsAnimate Scroll is a simple and fast jQuery plugin that allows you to scroll to any html element of your current web page with smooth easing effects and customizable options.
Google+ App Style jQuery Scroll Effect Plugin - pullupscroll
- Animation - 4147 Viewspullupscroll is an easy jQuery plugin that imitates the neat and smooth scroll effect in Google Plus android App.
jQuery Table of Contents Plugin - Tocify
- Table - 5519 ViewsTocify is a jQuery Plugin for creating a table of of contents that provides support for smooth scrolling, scroll highlighting, scroll page extending, and forward and back button support.
jQuery Smooth Flowing Effect Plugin - rlsmooth
- Animation - 1167 Viewsrlsmooth is a lightweight jQuery plugin that quickly applies smooth flowing effect to your web site/application, when scrolling.
iOS/Android Like Overflow Scroll Effect with Fancy Scroll Plugin
- Animation - 2375 ViewsFancy Scroll is a lightweight jQuery plugin that mimics the overflow scroll effects on iOS / Android devices when scrolling to the top or bottom of your web page (container).
jQuery Fluid Content Scroller Plugin For One Page Navigation
- Layout - 1989 ViewsFluid Content Scroller is a jQuery plugin which makes navigation through long item lists like news, events, blog posts, etc. smooth and easy.
jQuery Dynamic One Page Scrolling Plugin - Scrolld.js
- Layout - 7706 ViewsScrolld.js is a highly customizable plugin for jQuery and jQuery UI that provides a way to create one page scrolling with amazing smooth animation effects.
jQuery Plugin For Traversing Between Elements with Custom Events - updown.js
- Other - 1200 Viewsupdown.js is a jQuery plugin that allows you to smoothly traverse between html elements (and their child elements) with keyboard commands or custom events.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Single Line Scrolling - Scrollyea
- Animation - 4828 ViewsScrollyea is a jQuery plugin that allows you to scroll a group of html elements by mouse dragging in a responsive floating interface.
jQuery Responsive Top Navigation Bar Plugin - Peek
- Menu - 12466 ViewsPeek is a lightweight (~2kb) and responsive jQuery plugin for creating an auto-hiding top navigation menu on your website, similar to the jQuery Scroll Nav Plugin.
jQuery Plugin For Vertical and Horizontal Parallax Effects - Scroll Parallax
- Animation - 8394 ViewsScroll Parallax is a simple and easy to use jQuery plugin for creating Vertical and Horizontal Parallax Effects on scrolling.
Dynamic Layout On Scroll Effect with CSS3 and Javascript
- Layout - 5392 ViewsA nice article written by MARY LOU about how to build a dynamic layout with CSS3 and javascript that animates the html elements when scrolling down or up the page.
Easy jQuery Scrolling News Ticker Plugin - liScroll
- Animation - 26299 ViewsjQuery liScroll is a extremely simple and lightweight jQuery plugin that turns the default unordered list into a Scrolling News Ticker with mouse pause support.
News Ticker Like Content Scrolling Plugin For jQuery - Easy Ticker
- Animation - 9060 ViewsEasy Ticker is a lightweight and simple jQuery plugin for scrolling a list of html content infinitely similar to a news ticker.
jQuery Responsive Parallax Scrolling Framework - Cool Kitten
- Animation - 10060 ViewsCool Kitten is a jQuery plugin that takes advantage of jQuery, jQuery stellar, and jQuery waypoints to build a parallax scrolling responsive framework.
Highly Customizable jQuery Text Scrolling Plugin - Web Ticker
- Text - 15781 ViewsA simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin to help you create a web ticker widget on your web page, which supports both left and right text scrolling that looks like the old Html marquee tag presents.
jQuery Simple Scroll To Plugin - scrollomatic
- Animation - 882 Viewsscroll-o-matic is a simple jQuery scroll plugin that allows to scroll to any section of your web page by click, which can be used for sticky header, scrolling to top, scrolling to next section, etc.
Funny jQuery Plugin For Fart Noises As You Scroll - fartscroll.js
- Other - 1760 Viewsfartscroll.js is a funny and simple jQuery plugin for fart noises as you scroll down/up the web page.
jQuery Plugin For Fullscreen Scrolling Pages - windows
- Layout - 2744 Viewswindows is a jQuery plugin for Fullscreen Scrolling Pages that simply opens up a handy API for position management, provides callbacks, and will allow for window snapping.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Scrolling To Any Html Elements
- Animation - 963 ViewsAn extremely simple and cross-browser jQuery plugin that allows you create a link/button to scroll to any html elements by ID Selector. Good for scroll to top, scroll to bottom, etc.
jQuery Plugin For Fixed Background Scrolling Layout
- Layout - 5899 ViewsA simple and clean plugin integrated with jQuery easing and waypoints plugin that allows you to create a fullscreen scrolling layout with fixed background using jQuery and CSS3.
jQuery Plugin For Animated Vertical Ticker - totem
- Animation - 13268 Viewstotem is a simple jQuery plugin that make it easy to create an animated vertical ticker widget with auto scrolling effect.
Fancy jQuery Plugin For Roulette Image - roulette.js
- Animation - 24511 Viewsroulette.js is a fancy and simple jQuery plugin for Roulette Image that scrolls down a group of images and then displays a specified image to you.
Animated Screen Scrolling Effects Plugin with jQuery - jqueryScrollScreen
- Animation - 949 ViewsjqueryScrollScreen is a lightweight (~2kb minified) jQuery plugin that allows to scroll screen to any html elements with easing animation effects.
BBC News-Like Website Ticker Plugin with jQuery - News Ticker
- Text - 20447 ViewsNews Ticker is a lightweight jQuery plugin inspired by BBC news website ticker that allows you to create a flexiable and cross-browser news ticker widget with pause, play, next and previous controls.