Simple Background Parallax Effect Plugin For jQuery - parallaxDiv.js

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License: MIT
Simple Background Parallax Effect Plugin For jQuery - parallaxDiv.js

parallaxDiv.js is a super tiny jQuery plugin for applying a parallax scrolling effect on the background image of a container that reacts the position of the cursor or the orientation of a smart device that has gyroscope or motion detection hardware enabled.

How to use it:

1. Create a container where you want to apply a background parallax effect on.

<div id="demo"></div>

2. Load the jQuery library and jQuery parallaxDiv.js in the html document.

<script src=""></script> 
<script src="jquery.parallaxdiv.js"></script> 

3. Specify a background image for the container and enable the parallax effect by calling the plugin with optional settings.

var basePhotoURL = "" // background image
pixelMargin: 40,
wrappername: "parallaxWrap"

Change log:


  • Update to support context in div


  • version update.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by anthonykhy. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.