Minimal Smooth Scroll To Plugin with jQuery - Arctic Scroll

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Official Website: Go to website
License: MIT
Minimal Smooth Scroll To Plugin with jQuery - Arctic Scroll

Arctic Scroll is a lightweight jQuery plugin that allows an anchor link to scroll smoothly to desired point of the document using jQuery animate function.

How to use it:

1. Place jQuery JavaScript library and the jQuery Arctic Scroll plugin at the end of the document so the page loads faster.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jquery.arctic_scroll.js"></script>

2. Add anchor links and associated page sections to the document.

<a href="#element1" class="demo">Goto #1</a>
<a href="#element2" class="demo">Goto #2</a>
<a href="#element3" class="demo">Goto #3</a>

<div id="element1">

<div id="element2">

<div id="element3">

3. Scroll the web page to a specified point using dataposition attribute.

<a href="#" class="demo" data-position="100">Scroll to 100px</a>

4. You can also set a scroll offset using data-offset attribute.

<a href="#element1" class="demo" data-offset="50">Goto #1</a>
<a href="#element2" class="demo" data-offset="-50">Goto #2</a>
<a href="#element3" class="demo">Goto #3</a>

5. Just call the plugin on the anchor links and we're done.


6. Possible plugin options.


  // animation speed
  speed: 500,

  // scroll selector
  scroll_selector: 'html,body'

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by PaulAdamDavis. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.