jQuery Plugin For SVG Path (Line) Animation - Sketch.js

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jQuery Plugin For SVG Path (Line) Animation - Sketch.js

Sketch.js is a lightweight jQuery SVG line animation plugin which applies a handdrawn-style transition effect to the stroke on every path of your SVG element.

How to use it:

1. Include the main JavaScript 'sketch.js' after loading jQuery JavaScript library like this:

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="jQuery.sketch.js"></script>

2. Create a container element in which you want to draw the SVG paths.

<div id="content"></div>

3. Call the function and insert the SVG paths into the 'd' parameter:

  d: "M185.304 240.455c-47.581 0-86.09 38.586-86.104 86.165 0.012 47.596 38.522 86.182 86.104 86.182 47.54 0 85.997-38.588 86.019-86.182 0-24.309-0.005-30.236-0.005-30.236h-30.743c0 0 0 5.947 0 30.236 -0.028 15.331-6.179 29.058-16.201 39.12 -10.049 10.043-23.753 16.218-39.07 16.218 -15.333 0-29.021-6.179-39.097-16.218 -10.025-10.063-16.175-23.79-16.197-39.12 0.021-15.316 6.172-29.041 16.197-39.104 10.077-10.043 23.764-16.202 39.097-16.221 28.282 0 111.983 0 141.405 0 47.563 0 86.076-38.319 86.092-85.914 -0.016-47.613-38.527-86.164-86.092-86.18 -47.551 0.017-86.074 38.567-86.092 86.18 0 24.181-0.021 29.986-0.021 29.986h30.726c0 0 0-5.805 0-29.986 0.027-15.314 6.267-29.043 16.315-39.121 10.04-10.024 23.744-16.203 39.069-16.203 15.314 0 29.049 6.177 39.098 16.22 10.014 10.062 16.17 23.789 16.17 39.103 0 15.349-6.156 29.06-16.18 39.102 -10.039 10.043-23.773 15.955-39.088 15.971H185.304L185.304 240.455z"

4. Adjust the animation speed in milliseconds:

  d: "M185.304 240.455c-47.581 0-86.09 38.586-86.104 86.165 0.012 47.596 38.522 86.182 86.104 86.182 47.54 0 85.997-38.588 86.019-86.182 0-24.309-0.005-30.236-0.005-30.236h-30.743c0 0 0 5.947 0 30.236 -0.028 15.331-6.179 29.058-16.201 39.12 -10.049 10.043-23.753 16.218-39.07 16.218 -15.333 0-29.021-6.179-39.097-16.218 -10.025-10.063-16.175-23.79-16.197-39.12 0.021-15.316 6.172-29.041 16.197-39.104 10.077-10.043 23.764-16.202 39.097-16.221 28.282 0 111.983 0 141.405 0 47.563 0 86.076-38.319 86.092-85.914 -0.016-47.613-38.527-86.164-86.092-86.18 -47.551 0.017-86.074 38.567-86.092 86.18 0 24.181-0.021 29.986-0.021 29.986h30.726c0 0 0-5.805 0-29.986 0.027-15.314 6.267-29.043 16.315-39.121 10.04-10.024 23.744-16.203 39.069-16.203 15.314 0 29.049 6.177 39.098 16.22 10.014 10.062 16.17 23.789 16.17 39.103 0 15.349-6.156 29.06-16.18 39.102 -10.039 10.043-23.773 15.955-39.088 15.971H185.304L185.304 240.455z",
  time: 6500

5. Customize the SVG element.


  // fill color
  fill: "none",

  // stroke coloe
  stroke: "#000",

  // line width
  strokeWidth: "1px",

  // change the opacity
  opacity: "false",


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by XiangJun-Chen. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.