12 Newest Free jQuery Plugins For This Week #23 (2015)

by jQuery Script,

Here's our #82 hand-picked collection of 12 New Free jQuery Plugins with examples we found around the web from last week (29/05/2015-04/06/2015).These jQuery plugins haven't been featured on our website yet I think you might find useful. Have fun with it and remember to spread the word!

jQuery FancyWrite

FancyWrite is a jquery based Html5 Fancy Animated Texts.

jQuery FancyWrite

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery searchify

Creates a search filter that is applied to the specified selector's child elements.

jQuery searchify

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery devgrid

jQuery.devgrid serves two purposes. It is useful for the visualization of responsive site grids/breakpoints while providing a method for tracking which breakpoint is active in your frontend code.

jQuery devgrid


jQuery Multiple Range Interface

Multiple Range Interface is a jQuery plugin that creates an interface that allows the user to set multiple range based values.

jQuery Multiple Range Interface

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery particles.burst

This plugin generates particules from an element. Images are appended to the DOM then fade in, animate randomly, fade out. Multiple calls generate the particule effect.

jQuery particles.burst

[Demo] [Download]

Expandable Maximum List Items jQuery Plugin

This jQuery plugin will automatically hide all excess list items past a maximum number. It then dynamically adds an expand/collapse link that uses the slideToggle effect. Each list item is collapsed in succession to give the appearance of using slideToggle on a container.

Expandable Maximum List Items jQuery Plugin

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery audioControls

Simple way to create your own audio player.

jQuery audioControls

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery tseslider

Tseslider is a jQuery plugin of slider to support Mobile and Desktop

jQuery tseslider

[Demo] [Download]

Date Time Picker jQuery Plugin

The idea is an inter-related wheels mechanism. Clock like. For example, when rolling upper wheel "Year", lower wheels "Month, Days" also rotating dependently. This helps in positioning lower values by rolling uppers, if not exact to, but definitely close to desired position, making time adjusting much quicker. Especially useful for mobile interfaces, where date-time adjusting rollers are commonly used.

Date Time Picker jQuery Plugin

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Trumbowyg

Trumbowyg is a simple and lightweight WYSIWYG editor, is only 15kB for faster page loading.

jQuery Trumbowyg

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery algorithm

Algorithm visualization widget (jQuery+KnockoutJS)

jQuery algorithm

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery terminal-type

Terminal Type is a project born from my development of deanhet.com. It's a novel way for the user to interact with the site and get information by emulating a terminal/command line/chat interface. This plugin is designed to provide the framework and essentials to get started. It presumes you will deal with the styling/how it looks.

jQuery terminal-type

[Demo] [Download]