20 Random Free jQuery Plugins We Found On The Web For This Week

by jQuery Script,

Here's the #15 hand-picked collection of 20 random Free jQuery Plugins we found around the web from last week (13/02/2014-21/02/2014). These jQuery plugins haven't been listed on our website yet I think you might find useful. Have fun with it and don’t forget to spread the word!

jQuery croppic

An image cropping jquery plugin that will satisfy your needs and much more.

jQuery croppic

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery NewsVisualizer

CSS3 and jQuery BBC News Responsive Layout Visualizer.


[Demo] [Download]

jQuery rgbaColorPicker

Yet another jQuery color picker, but this one supports both HTML color names and (more importantly) alpha transparancy with rgba output.

jQuery rgbaColorPicker

[Demo] [Download]

FileStyle Bootstrap

Bootstrap FileStyle is a quick and simple plugin to help style your form's file upload inputs.

FileStyle Bootstrap

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery TreeSelect widget

This widget is used for transforming a hierarchy HTML lists with input's into a hierarchial tree select tool. You can also call this widget with a structured JSON list and it will convert it to an HTML hierarchy select tool of those items.

jQuery TreeSelect widget

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Advanced-Pagination

Advanced Pagination content is divided into subareas and creates a pagination in order to control. The script is based on jQuery and brings a handful of options and callbacks with, so that it can be adapted to the custom needs.

jQuery Advanced-Pagination

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery rHeight

A jQuery plugin that uses min-height to force DOM elements to the height of the viewport.

jQuery rHeight

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Layout Base Package

A base package to build a layout based in mobile-first paradigm using Bootstrap 3.0.2 + RECESS + FontAwesome 4.0.3 + jQuery 1.10.2. It provides a Makefile to automate the build of the layout and its dependencies.

jQuery Layout Base Package

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery pluginShowcase

jQuery.pluginShowcase is a jQuery plugin used to showcase your own jQuery plugin.

jQuery pluginShowcase

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery GoUP

GoUP is a <2kb Scroll to Top jQuery plugin. It adds an arrow on the corner that will scroll the page to the top when you clic on it.

jQuery GoUP

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery HDimg

jQuery plugin to serve double size images for hd displays

jQuery HDimg

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery MenuOptions

Create menus off almost most DOM elements and create select drop downs under any input=text elements

jQuery MenuOptions

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery plainOverlay

The simple jQuery Plugin for customizable overlay which covers a page, elements or iframe-windows that is specified. plainOverlay has basic functions only, and it has no image files and no CSS files. Just one small file (9KB minified).

jQuery plainOverlay

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Simple Rating Plugin

A simple plugin built with jQuery&Pure css.

jQuery Simple Rating Plugin

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Alter Position jQuery UI Tooltip

Alter Position jQuery UI Tooltip Plugin to alters position according to the situation.

jQuery Alter Position jQuery UI Tooltip

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery minimit-anima

It's built to have fast animation execution, and it has an api similar to jquery animate, with animations queueing.

jQuery minimit-anima

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Responsive Toggle

A simple to use, alternative, lightweight and responsive jQuery Toggle plugin.

jQuery Responsive Toggle

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery skeuocard

Skeuocard progressively enhances credit card inputs to provide a skeuomorphic interface.

jQuery skeuocard

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery CSS Gradient Generator

CSS gradient generator with the best browser support. Three different layouts to meet Your requirement (from simple linear to complex radial gradients).

jQuery CSS Gradient Generator

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery nysReports

Nysus Solutions' nysReports allows us to quickly generate reports for our various manufacturing systems. It is designed to be abstract while only requiring a few dependencies and assumptions to set-up.

jQuery nysReports

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery ListNav

Add a slick "letter-based" navigation bar to all of your lists. Click a letter to quicky filter the list to items that match that letter.

jQuery ListNav

[Demo] [Download]