jQuery LightBox Plugins
Download Free jQuery Modal, Popup, Gallery Lightbox and Image & Content Lightbox plugins at our jQuery Lightbox Section. Page 28 .
Facebook Like jQuery Image Gallery Lightbox Plugin - AM2 SimpleSlider
- LightBox - 28205 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin for creating an image gallery lightbox that features an image gallery on the left and content area on the right where can place description about the image, similar to the facebook photo viewing box.
Easy jQuery Popdown Modal Dialog Plugin - popdown
- LightBox - 4368 Viewspopdown is an easy jQuery plugin used to load an Html page in a 'popdown' modal window that slides down from the top of your web page.
Basic jQuery Modal Dialog Plugin - Mirekbenes Modal
- LightBox - 2239 ViewsA simple and easy way of creating modal dialog windows with fade and slide animations in jQuery. Click the esc key, close button and overlay will close the modal window.
Smooth Animated Popup Message Box Plugin - wHumanMsg
- LightBox - 6350 ViewswHumanMsg is a jQuery plugin for displaying humanized popup boxes with animation effects on your page to show the important messages, alerts, warnings, etc.
Responsive and Tidy jQuery Modal Box Plugin - Smoothbox
- LightBox - 3301 ViewsSmoothbox is a lightweight jQuery lightbox plugin for creating simple and clean modal boxes with image gallery, smooth CSS3 transitions and image preload support. The plugin works with all the modern browsers which support CSS3 transitionpr
Flexible & Draggable jQuery Popup Window Plugin - Dialog
- LightBox - 13828 ViewsDialog is an ultra-light jQuery plugin that allows to popups a draggable and closable modal dialog with amazing transitions on page load or on demand.
Customizable & Lightweight jQuery Popup Window Plugin - JeeGooPopup
- LightBox - 7971 ViewsJeeGooPopup is a fast and customizable jQuery plugin for creating a draggable, resizable, and closeable lightbox-like popup modal window on your website.
Responsive jQuery Window & Modal System For Bootstrap - Bootstrap Window
- LightBox - 15504 ViewsBootstrap Window is a powerful jQuery plugin that takes advantage of Twitter's bootstrap to create responsive & bootstrap-style window and modal system for your website & web app.
Powerful and Multi-Functional jQuery Lightbox Plugin - Magnific Popup
- LightBox - 25073 ViewsMagnific Popup is a simple but powerful jQuery plugin that aims to create high performance and multi-functional lightboxs for your projects.
Simple jQuery and jQuery UI Based Lightbox Plugin - lightbox.ui
- LightBox - 2900 ViewsAn extremely simple Lightbox plugin based on jQuery and jQuery UI. The lightbox can be closed by clicking on the background overlay or the ESC key.
Super Tiny jQuery Modal Dialog Box Plugin - ssDialog
- LightBox - 1698 ViewsssDialog is a super tiny jQuery modal plugin that make it easier to create message or confirm boxes with one line of source code.
Minimal jQuery Popup Modal Window Plugin - NS Window
- LightBox - 3712 ViewsNS Window is yet another simple jQuery modal plugin for creating popup windows with support for animations, overlay, ajax content and some useful custom options.
Flexible jQuery Animated Modal Window Plugin - moaModal
- LightBox - 4043 ViewsmoaModal is a clean and neat jQuery plugin for creating flexible modal boxes with custom animation effects and positioning.
Easy jQuery Popup Window Dialog Box Plugin - Message Box
- LightBox - 22037 ViewsMessage Box is an easy and fast jQuery plugin that allows you to create customizable popup window message boxes with many implement options and callback events support.
Small and Easy-To-Use jQuery Scrollable Modal Plugin - portBox
- LightBox - 17353 ViewsportBox is a simple, fast, and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for creating modal boxes with scroll function support.
Powerful and Versatile jQuery Animation Plugin - Showcase
- Animation - 2295 ViewsShowcase is a jQuery plugin which provides 60+ animation settings for creating Bokeh Animations,image mapping, chained lightboxes,hover effects,website tours, galleries, and much more.
Facebook Like jQuery Responsiv Modal Box Plugin - Mike's Modal Library
- LightBox - 8251 ViewsMike's Modal Library is a jQuery plugin inspired by facebook's Photo viewing experience for creating responsive and flexible modal boxes in your website.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Showing Modal Overlay - mloverlay
- LightBox - 795 Viewsmloverlay is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating modal less overlays with various close triggers on your web page.
Super Simple jQuery Modal Window Plugin - Simple Modal
- LightBox - 4187 ViewsSimple Modal is yet another simple and lightweight jQuery plugin for creating modal popup windows with full-screen overlay effect.
Minimal jQuery Modal Windows Plugin - modalBox.js
- LightBox - 1907 ViewsmodalBox.js is a lightweight (~2.7kb minified) jQuery modal box plugin that aims to provide a simple way to create modal windows with only most used features.