Set The Cursor To Wait During AJAX Loading - jQuery waitforit

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License: MIT
Set The Cursor To Wait During AJAX Loading - jQuery waitforit

waitforit is a small jQuery plugin that sets the mouse cursor to Wait while performing AJAX requests in the document. Only works for window object.

How to use it:

1. Insert the latest version of jQuery library and the jQuery waitforit plugin into your web page.

<script src="" 
<script src="jquery-waitforit.js"></script>

2. Initialize the plugin on the window object and done.




3. Config the delay & timeout in milliseconds.


    delay: 500,
    timeout: 60000,


3. Add an extra CSS class to the mouse cursor while loading.


    cssClass: ''


4. Append any content to the page while loading.


    content: '<div id="loading">Loading...</div>'


5. Execute your own functions when the loading starts and stops.


    callbacks: {
      start: showWaitCursor,
      stop: hideWaitCursor
    ajaxStartFunctions: [],
    ajaxStopFunctions: []


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by ossipoff. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.