Free jQuery ajax Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'ajax' are listed here.
Load Data Asynchronously In Data Table - jQuery ajaxTable
- Table - 4531 ViewsA feature-rich and AJAX-enabled data table jQuery plugin that loads & displays data asynchronously from a specific data source.
jQuery Ajax Autocomplete Plugin For Input Fields - Autocomplete
- Form - 36463 ViewsjQuery.Autocomplete is a jQuery based autocomplete plugin that attaches autocomplete/autosuggest drop down list with ajax lookup to text input fields when your users input.
Infinite Ajax Scroll Plugin In jQuery & Vanilla JS - ias.js
- Other - 28969 ViewsA jQuery and pure (vanilla) JavaScript plugin that helps you create SEO-friendly, progressively enhanced infinite scrolling effect with ajax technique for loading more items of your page when scroll down.
Minimal jQuery Infinite Scrolling Plugin - scroll4ever
- Loading - 2820 ViewsA super tiny jQuery infinite-scrolling plugin that loads more content from other HTML files automatically as the user scrolls down the page.
Easy Infinite Scroll With jQuery And AJAX - infinityScroll.js
- Loading - 4992 ViewsA really simple infinite scroll plugin that loads more data as the user scrolls down and displays a custom message after all content has been rendered.
Tiny Any Content Modal Window - lightWeightPopup.js
- LightBox - 1260 ViewsA lightweight and simple-to-implement jQuery modal popup plugin that supports almost all web content such as inline, AJAX, and iframe.
AJAX-enabled Infinite Scroll With Template
- Loading - 2807 ViewsA lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin to implement AJAX-enabled Infinite Scrolling in your web app.
Submit Form Data Over AJAX - jQuery ajaxform
- Form - 2287 ViewsA tiny and easy-to-use AJAX form jQuery plugin that sends form data via AJAX requests and returns response messages on submit.
Automatic Page Load & Ajax Request Progress Bar - Pace.js
- Loading - 79023 ViewsPace.js is a lightweight (~4kb minified and gzipped) and standalone JavaScript library to create beautiful progress indicators for your page load and ajax request.
Versatile jQuery Slider Plugin - SudoSlider
- Slider - 7597 ViewsSudoSlider is a versatile jQuery slider Plugin that helps you create multiple functional sliders with build-in options and methods as you need.
jQuery Plugin For Ajaxifying Your Website - Ajaxify
- Loading - 9108 ViewsAjaxify is a jQuery Ajax plugin which has the ability to ajaxify the whole website, by dynamically replacing any elements with Ajax contents across pages.
Auto Send Data When Form Changes - jQuery Form Async
- Form - 5418 ViewsForm Async is a jQuery plugin for automatic form save that automatically sends field data via AJAX when the web form changes.
Execute Function Before AJAX Call Ends - jQuery Just Wait
- Loading - 1222 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin that adds a wait() callback to AJAX requests.
Load Content Synchronously Via AJAX - jQuery Reload
- Loading - 2910 ViewsA jQuery plugin for dynamic content loading that fetches data from your server and reloads/updates the content of a specific component synchronously via AJAX(XHR).
Load External Page From Link - jQuery AJAX Actualizer
- Loading - 1161 ViewsActualizer is a dynamic AJAX content loading plugin that enables the user to load an external page into the current page by clicking a link.
Google Like Slim Progress Bar Plugin - NProgress
- Loading - 22325 ViewsNProgress is a tiny jQuery plugin for creating a slim and nanoscopic progress bar which features realistic trickle animations to convince your users that something is happening.
Load More Content On Scroll Down - Infinite Scroll Pagination
- Loading - 43168 ViewsAutomatically or manually loads more content from server via AJAX when continuously scrolling the content area to the bottom of the page.
AJAX Form Submit With Custom Feedback - FormJS
- Form - 1498 ViewsFormJS is a jQuery plugin that allows the user to submit an HTML form using jQuery AJAX without refreshing the current page.
Asynchronous Page Loading Plugin In jQuery - AjaxPageParser
- Loading - 1686 ViewsAjaxPageParser is a jQuery plugin to ajaxify your website that asynchronously loads web pages (or a part of your web page) via AJAX just like a native mobile app.
Populating DropDown With jQuery And AJAX - selectAjax
- Form - 2927 ViewsselectAjax is a very small jQuery plugin that automatically populates select options with JSON-encoded data via AJAX requests.
Multi-purpose jQuery Photo Gallery Plugin - mbGallery
- Gallery - 4230 is a powerful and ajax-enabled jQuery plugin that organize a group of images/photos and displays them in a well styled interface like gallery lightbox, image slider, thumbnail grid, inline DOM element, etc.
Set The Cursor To Wait During AJAX Loading - jQuery waitforit
- Loading - 2872 Viewswaitforit is a small jQuery plugin that sets the mouse cursor to Wait while performing AJAX requests in the document. Only works for window object.
Fine Uploader - User Friendly File Uploading Plugin
- Other - 39140 ViewsFine Uploader is a User-Friendly File-Uploading Plugin for looking to incorporate file-uploading into their website.
AJAX Based CRUD Table Plugin For jQuery - jtable
- Table - 18151 Viewsjtable is a jQuery plugin that automatically creates HTML table and loads records from server using AJAX.
Load AJAX Content Using URL Hash - hashy-content
- Loading - 2022 Viewshashy-content is a small jQuery plugin for the dynamic webpage that makes it possible to loads external web content into the current webpage via AJAX and URL hash (fragment identifier).
AJAX Autocomplete Plugin For Bootstrap Select
- Form - 36130 ViewsAjax Bootstrap Select is a jQuery extension for the popular Bootstrap select plugin that enables the AJAX autocomplete (live search) functionality on the dropdown select.
jQuery Infinite Scrolling & Auto-Paging Plugin - jScroll
- Other - 44124 ViewsjScroll is a jQuery plugin that helps to implement Infinite Scrolling effect for your web page.
Load External Files Into Webpage Using AJAX - jQuery includeHTML.js
- Loading - 3166 ViewsincludeHTML.js is a jQuery plugin that has the ability to load/append/prepend external html or text files into your document using AJAX requests.
Fully Customizable jQuery Tooltip Plugin - asTooltip
- Tooltip - 2410 ViewsasTooltip is a lighweight and quick jQuery plugin that displays any Html elements in a highly customizable and skinnable tooltip popup.
AJAX Page Loader Plugin With jQuery - timed-page-loader.js
- Loading - 4428 ViewsThe timed-page-loader.js jQuery plugin helps you create a horizontal/vertical loading bar that indicates the remaining time when you document automatically loads the next page via AJAX requests.
jQuery Site Search Engine Plugin - Tipue Search
- Other - 22096 ViewsTipue Search is a jQuery plugin for Site Search Engine that allows to search and get content form JSON data or a list of pages.
jQuery Plugin For Handling AJAX Form Submission - fajax
- Form - 1580 Viewsfajax is a super small jQuery based AJAX form submission handler that allows you to send form data via XHR requests, with support for files and callback functions.
Minimal jQuery AJAX Form Submission Plugin - Gdtsubscription
- Form - 462 ViewsGdtsubscription is an ultra-light jQuery plugin used for for handling AJAX-based form submissions with custom actions, methods, styles and feedback messages.
Dynamic Content Loading Plugin With jQuery - ViaJS
- Other - 1625 ViewsViaJS is a lightweight, jQuery dependent JavaScript library which allows to dynamically load external html content into your webpage without reloading the current page.
Simple AJAX Form Submission Plugin with jQuery - Submitter
- Form - 1418 ViewsSubmitter is a jQuery plugin which allows you to submit a form entirely using jQuery AJAX API that works without any page reload.
Lightweight Customizable Lightbox Plugin - ColorBox
- LightBox - 30489 ViewsColorBox is a Lightweight Customizable Lightbox Plugin built with jQuery that allows you to display elements with the lightbox effect on the page. It supports photos, grouping, slideshow, ajax, inline, and iframed content.
Minimal jQuery Loading Animation Plugin - Bload
- Loading - 4913 ViewsBload is a simple lightweight jQuery plugin to create a loading mask with a custom animation on any Html element to indicate the loading status like Ajax requests.
Lightweight jQuery AJAX Loading Spinner Plugin - ajax-loading.js
- Loading - 17248 Viewsajax-loading.js is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that automatically listens for AJAX events and displays a GIF based loading spinner.
jQuery Plugin For Submitting A Form with Ajax - FormSubmit
- Form - 2114 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin which allows you to submit an Html form using Ajax method, with support for callback events, field validation, custom feedback and much more.
jQuery Plugin For Smarter Ajax Calls - Smartjax
- Other - 1150 ViewsInstead of using $.ajax(), use Smartjax.ajax() and get your response cached in your browser. The next time you make the same call, it will not ping the server.
Minimal AJAX Modal/Lightbox Plugin with jQuery
- LightBox - 900 ViewsAn ultra-light jQuery lightbox plugin for displaying a responsive modal popup window that loads content via Ajax requests.
SimpleModal - Beautiful Popup Window Plugin
- Other - 9449 ViewsSimpleModal is a Beautiful and easy-to-use Popup Window Plugin for creating modal windows used to generate alert or confirm messages.
jQuery Plugin For Infinite AJAX Scroller - Infinite Scroll
- Other - 10913 ViewsA small infinite scroll jQuery plugin which allows to dynamically load more data using AJAX calls when scrolling to the bottom of an DIV container.
Simple Ajax Request Plugin With jQuery and PHP - xRequest
- Other - 986 ViewsxRequest is a simple plugin to Ajax Request using jQuery and PHP.
jQuery Plugin For Slim Top Ajax Loading Bar
- Loading - 2048 ViewsA minimalist jQuery plugin to create a slim top loading bar for Ajax requests when using jQuery get() or post() functions.
Simple jQuery Calendar and Schedule Plugin For Bootstrap - Bic Calendar
- Time & Clock - 64445 ViewsBic Calendar is a lightweight jQuery plugin that enables you to create a simple and nice Calendar & Schedule with ajax event support using twitter bootstrap.
Responsive jQuery LightBox Plugin - ClassyBox
- LightBox - 8955 ViewsClassyBox is a fancy jQuery Lightbox Plugin that supports for video, gallery, Social Media, AJAX content and more.
Responsive Ajax Modal Box Plugin with jQuery - Nice Modal
- LightBox - 11600 ViewsNice Modal is a simple responsive jQuery modal plugin which allows you to embed an external page into a sliding popup window via Ajax.
Create An Android Holo Themed Loading Spinner with jQuery and Html5
- Loading - 7540 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that uses Javascript and Html5 canvas to create a circular, animated, Android Holo themed loading spinner for your dynamic content loaded with AJAX.
Dynamically Load Content Into A Container with jQuery
- Other - 22665 ViewsDynamic Load Content is a simple jQuery snippet which allows to dynamically load external resources into an container without leaving or refreshing the current page.
jQuery Ajax Loading Overlay with Loading Text and Spinner Plugin
- Loading - 120859 ViewsLoading Overlay is a jQuery plugin for AJAX loading that adds a loading overlay with loading text and loading spinner to a given element when loading something.
Fluid & Ajax-enabled jQuery Pinterest Style Grid Layout
- Layout - 4620 ViewsJust another fluid, responsive and ajax-enabled pinterest-like grid layout built on top of jQuery javascript library and CSS3.
Super Simple jQuery Form Validation Plugin
- Form - 1917 ViewsAn easy yet useful jQuery plugin used to validate the form values your users input when clicking the submit button.
Dynamic & Cumstomizable jQuery Any Content Slideshow Plugin - A Slideshow
- Slideshow - 1125 Views(a) Slideshow is a jquery plugin for creating dynamic and controllable slideshows that supports any html elements and comes with a lot of options to customize.
Simple jQuery and jQuery UI Based Lightbox Plugin - lightbox.ui
- LightBox - 2900 ViewsAn extremely simple Lightbox plugin based on jQuery and jQuery UI. The lightbox can be closed by clicking on the background overlay or the ESC key.
AJAX Based jQuery Internet Connection Status Plugin
- Other - 8046 ViewsConnection Status is a small jQuery plugin thatuses an AJAX request to determine whether the client machine is connected. With this plugin, you can use setinterval to send an ajax request at specified intervals and then do stuff based on th
Highly Customizable jQuery Form Validation plugin - validVal
- Form - 1490 ViewsvalidVal is a highly customizable and feature rich jQuery plugin that adds client side or server side form validation functionality to your existing form elements.
jQuery Plugin For Transactional Messages In Your Web App - Messenger
- Other - 5385 ViewsMessenger is a jQuery notification plugin that allows to trigger transactional messages with actions (undo, cancel, etc.) in your web app.
Powerful & Responsive jQuery Step-By-Step Form Plugin - Ideal Forms 3
- Form - 47956 ViewsIdeal Forms 3 is a form plugin for jQuery and jQuery UI that makes it easy to create a beautiful, responsive and extendable HTML5 step-by-step form for your project.
Responsive & Touch-Enabled jQuery Slider Plugin - FerroSlider 2
- Slider - 1341 ViewsFerroSlider 2 is a simple, customizable and flexible jQuery plugin for creating responsive and touch-enabled sliders with lots of custom options and transition effects.
Useful and Multi Functional jQuery Plugin - liga.js
- Other - 1714 Viewsliga.js is an Useful and Multi FunctionaljQuery Plugin that brings together a number of common features in web applications such as windows, messages, notification, form validation, AJAX history and more.
jQuery Paginated Data Table Plugin with Bootstrap - Tabulate
- Table - 76510 ViewsjQuery Tabulate is a jQuery plugin for creating an ajax-enabled data table from a JSON data file and paginating it using javascript and Twitter's bootstrap 3.
Dynamic & Animated jQuery Bar Charts Plugin - LiveGraph
- Chart & Graph - 20513 ViewsLiveGraph is a small jQuery graph plugin that dynamically generates live update bar charts from JSON data, html tables or ajax content.
jQuery Plugin For Manipulating Tabulated Data - Zentable
- Table - 3112 ViewsZentable is a powerful jQuery tabulated data manipulation plugin for creating an editable, sortable, filterable and draggable table that can be used with or without AJAX.
jQuery Plugin For HTML Select Box Replacement - Heapbox
- Form - 3310 ViewsHeapbox is an easy jQuery plugin that replaces the default html drop down select box to make it support themes, events, callbacks, ajax and much more.
Minimal jQuery Popup Modal Window Plugin - NS Window
- LightBox - 3711 ViewsNS Window is yet another simple jQuery modal plugin for creating popup windows with support for animations, overlay, ajax content and some useful custom options.
Cross-Browser Image Slider Plugin with jQuery and jQuery UI - mediaslide
- Slider - 1351 ViewsA jQuery and jQuery UI plugin allows you to browse a collection of images which can loaded via JSON, Ajax JSON, XML, and direct from Flickr.
jQuery Tabbed Interface With Dynamic Closeable Tabs - Dynatabs
- Layout - 8003 ViewsDynatabs is a small jQuery plugin that allows you to organize a set of DIVs to a tabbed interface with dynamic closeable tabs.
Super Simple jQuery Modal Window Plugin - Simple Modal
- LightBox - 4187 ViewsSimple Modal is yet another simple and lightweight jQuery plugin for creating modal popup windows with full-screen overlay effect.
Easy & Responsive jQuery Slider Plugin - wmuSlider
- Slider - 7943 ViewswmuSlider is an easy and fast jQuery plugin that allows you to create a clean and responsive Carousel / Slider with fade and slide animations.
jQuery Ajax Shopping Cart Plugin - Ajax PayPal Cart
- Other - 17184 ViewsAjax PayPal Cart is a customizable and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for creating a full function ajax shopping cart on the website.
jQuery Plugin For Animated Ajax Loading Dots - loadingDots
- Loading - 5318 ViewsloadingDots is a super simple and cross-browser jQuery plugin that displays animated loading dots for ajax content loading.
Simple jQuery Data Grid Widget Plugin
- Table - 8565 ViewsSimple-data-grid is a jQuery based Data Grid Widget that make it easy to create smart data grids with ajax content loading, grid sorting and navigation features.
Easy jQuery Loading Bar Generator - Nimble Loader
- Loading - 2811 ViewsNimble Loader is a jQuery based loading bar generator that helps you quickly and simply create loading effects with animated loading spinner for your projects like ajax content loading, content fetching/refreshing, time counting etc.
AJAX Note Taking Web App With jQuery and PHP
- Other - 3325 ViewsAJAX Note Taking Web App built with jQuery and PHP that allows your vistors write notes which can be auto saved into a text file with AJAX.
Endless scroller jQuery plugin - autobrowse
- Layout - 2055 Viewsautobrowse is a Pinterest-Like jQuery Plugin that adds automatic ajax loading of page content when the user scroll to the end of the page.
jQuery Ajax Tooltip Plugin - clueTip
- Tooltip - 6034 ViewsclueTip is a powerful jQuery tooltip plugin for creating a fancy tooltip when hover over any element on your page.