Responsive Ajax Modal Box Plugin with jQuery - Nice Modal

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Responsive Ajax Modal Box Plugin with jQuery - Nice Modal

Nice Modal is a simple responsive jQuery modal plugin which allows you to embed an external page into a sliding popup window via Ajax.

How to use it:

1. Include the jQuery nice modal plugin's JS and CSS files in your web page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="lib/jquery-nicemodal-1.0/jquery-nicemodal.css">
<script src=""></script>
<script src="lib/jquery-nicemodal-1.0/jquery-nicemodal.js"></script>

2. Add a button to open a modal box. Use data-url attribute to define the page URL you want to load into the modal box via Ajax.

<button data-url="demo-modal.html" id="demo">Click me</button>

3. Initialize the plugin with default options.


4. All the options.

width: '600px', // Width of the modal box must always be specified.
height: 'auto', // Height of the modal box
idToClose: '#close-nicemodal',
defaultCloseButton: true, // Show a close button.
keyCodeToClose: 27, // Key code to close the modal box.
closeOnClickOverlay: true, // Close the modal box by clicking outside the window.
closeOnDblClickOverlay: false, // Close the modal box by double-clicking outside the window.
fadeSpeed: 'fast',
onOpenModal: function(){}, // callback
onCloseModal: function(){}, // callback

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by danielfpedro. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.