AJAX Note Taking Web App With jQuery and PHP

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AJAX Note Taking Web App With jQuery and PHP

AJAX Note Taking Web App built with jQuery and PHP that allows your vistors write notes which can be auto saved into a text file with AJAX.

How to use it:

1. Markup

<textarea id="note"><?php echo $note_content ?></textarea>

2. Include jQuery Library

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.0.min.js"></script> 

3. Javascript for ajax save notes

	var note = $('#note');
	var saveTimer,
		lineHeight = parseInt(note.css('line-height')),
		minHeight = parseInt(note.css('min-height')),
		lastHeight = minHeight,
		newHeight = 0,
		newLines = 0;
	var countLinesRegex = new RegExp('\n','g');
	// The input event is triggered on key press-es,
	// cut/paste and even on undo/redo.
		// Clearing the timeout prevents
		// saving on every key press
		saveTimer = setTimeout(ajaxSaveNote, 2000);
		// Count the number of new lines
		newLines = note.val().match(countLinesRegex);
			newLines = [];
		// Increase the height of the note (if needed)
		newHeight = Math.max((newLines.length + 1)*lineHeight, minHeight);
		// This will increase/decrease the height only once per change
		if(newHeight != lastHeight){
			lastHeight = newHeight;
	}).trigger('input');	// This line will resize the note on page load
	function ajaxSaveNote(){
		// Trigger an AJAX POST request to save the note
		$.post('index.php', { 'note' : note.val() });

4. PHP


$note_name = 'note.txt';
$uniqueNotePerIP = true;

	// Use the user's IP as the name of the note.
	// This is useful when you have many people
	// using the app simultaneously.
		$note_name = 'notes/'.$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'].'.txt';
		$note_name = 'notes/'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'.txt';

	// This is an AJAX request
		// Write the file to disk
		file_put_contents($note_name, $_POST['note']);
		echo '{"saved":1}';

$note_content = '';

if( file_exists($note_name) ){
	$note_content = htmlspecialchars( file_get_contents($note_name) );


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by tutorialzine. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.