Easy jQuery Paginator For AJAX/Static Contents - pagination.js

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Easy jQuery Paginator For AJAX/Static Contents - pagination.js

pagination.js is a lightweight, cross-browser, fully customizable jQuery pagination plugin for paginating static and/or AJAX content on the client side.

How to use it:

1. To get started, include jQuery library together with the stylesheet pagination.css and JavaScript pagination.js on the html page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/pagination.css" />
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.min.js" 
        integrity="sha384-nvAa0+6Qg9clwYCGGPpDQLVpLNn0fRaROjHqs13t4Ggj3Ez50XnGQqc/r8MhnRDZ" crossorigin="anonymous">
<script src="./js/pagination.js"></script>

2. Generate pagination links for static data.

<div id="pagination-container"></div>
function loadData(currPage, pageSize) {
  // handle your data here

  // the number of entries
  totalSize: 90,

  // the number of pages
  totalPage: 18,

  // callback
  callBack: function(currPage, pageSize) {
    loadData(currPage, pageSize);

// load data
loadData(1, 5);

3. Generate pagination links for dynamic data that fetches remote data via AJAX requests.

<div id="pagination-container"></div>
function loadData(currPage, pageSize) {
    success: function(res) {
      // dyanmically set page
      $("#pagination").whjPaging("setPage", {currPage: res.currPage, totalPage: res.totalPage, totalSize: res.totalSize});

  isResetPage: true,
  callBack: function(currPage, pageSize) {
    loadData(currPage, pageSize);

loadData(1, 5);

4. All possible parameters to customize the paginator.


  // themes: css-1,css-2,css-3,css-4,css-5
  css: 'css-1',

  // pagesize options
  pageSizeOpt: [
    {value: 5, text: '5 Per Page', selected: true},
    {value: 10, text: '10 Per Page'},
    {value: 15, text: '15 Per Page'},
    {value: 20, text: '20 Per Page'}

  // the number of entries
  totalSize: 90,

  // the number of pages
  totalPage: 18,

  // the number of pages to show
  showPageNum: 5,

  // localize the paginator
  firstPage: "First",
  previousPage: "Prev",
  nextPage: "Next",
  lastPage: "Last",
  skip: "Jump To",
  confirm: "Confirm",
  refresh: "Refresh",
  totalPageText: "{} Pages,",
  totalSizeText: "{} Entries In Total",

  // shows First and Last buttons
  isShowFL: true,

  // shows pagesize select
  isShowPageSizeOpt: true,

  // allows to jump to a specific page
  isShowSkip: true,

  // shows refresh page
  isShowRefresh: true,

  // shows total pages
  isShowTotalPage: true,

  // shows total entries
  isShowTotalSize: true,

  // reset pages, entries
  isResetPage: false,

  // callback
  callBack: function (currPage, pageSize) {
    console.log('currPage:' + currPage + ' pageSize:' + pageSize);


5. Get the current page.


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by w0624. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.