Detect If An Element Is Visible - jQuery onScreen

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License: MIT
Detect If An Element Is Visible - jQuery onScreen

This inView checker plugin provides a collection of useful event handlers to do some cool stuff when an element or only part of the element becomes visible (or invisible) on page scroll.

Basic usage:

1. Add the JavaScript file jquery.onscreen.js after jQuery library and the onScreen plugin is ready for use.

<script src="" 
<script src="jquery.onscreen.js"></script>

2. Check an element's state using the Inview event. Possible parameters:

  • visiblePartX: horizontal part of the element (left, right, both, none).
  • visiblePartY: vertical part of the element (top, bottom, both, none).
$('.box').on('inview', function(event, isInView, visiblePartX, visiblePartY) {
  if (isInView) {
    alert('element is now visible in the viewport!');
    if (visiblePartY == 'top') {
      alert('top part of element is visible!')
    } else if (visiblePartY == 'bottom') {
      alert('bottom part of element is visible!')
    } else {
      alert('whole part of element is visible!');
  } else {
    alert('element has gone out of viewport!');

3. Check an element's state using the onscreen event that will keep firing if the user scrolls and the element remains on screen or not. Possible parameters:

  • top: top offset
  • left: left offset
  • bottom: bottom offset
  • right: right offset
  • percentFromTop: Percentage offset of top
  • percentFromLeft: Percentage offset of left
  • percentFromBottom: Percentage offset of bottom
  • percentFromRight: Percentage offset of right
  • percentInview: Percentage area inview compared to the total possible inview area
  • percentInviewHorizontal: Percentage horizonally inview compared to the total possible inview horizonally
  • percentInviewVertical: Percentage vertically inview compared to the total possible inview vertically
  • onscreen: True/ or false
  • uniqueMeasurementId: Unique measurement Id
$('div').on('onscreen', function(event, measurement) {
  if (measurement.percentInview > 0) {
    alert('element is now visible in the viewport');
    if (measurement.percentInviewVertical < 50) {
      alert('element is less than half onscreen vertically');
    } else {
      alert('element is half or more than half onscreen vertically');
  } else {
    alert('element has gone out of viewport');

4. Decide whether to allow scroll over.

  allowScrollOver: false

Change log:


  • drop ie8 support

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by adaptlearning. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.