Easy Scroll Into View Plugin For jQuery - Scrollie

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License: MIT
Easy Scroll Into View Plugin For jQuery - Scrollie

Scrollie is an easy and customizable jQuery scroll into view plugin which listens for scroll up and/or scroll down events and triggers callback functions as an element is scrolled into or out of view. Great for scroll-triggered animations and more.

How to use it:

1. Download and place the JavaScript file jquery.scrollie.js after jQuery library.

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.min.js" 
<script src="jquery.scrollie.js"></script>

2. Call the function on the container element you want to keep track of the scroll events.




3. Create your own functions as the element is scrolled into or out of view.


  scrollingInView : function(elem, offset, direction, coords, scrollRatio, thisTop, winPos){

    // activates when the whole element is moving inside the window


  scrollingToTheTop : function(elem, offset, direction, coords, scrollRatio, thisTop, winPos){

    // activates when it enters the window and stops when it reaches the top


  scrollingOutOfView : function(elem, offset, direction, coords, scrollRatio, thisTop, winPos){

    // actives when the element reaches the top of the window and stops when it is out of the window

  scrolledOutOfView : function(elem, offset, direction, coords, scrollRatio, thisTop, winPos){

    // activates wehn the element is completly out of the window



4. Possible options to customize the plugin.


  // the scrolling element to watch for scrolling action
  parentElement : window, 

  // 'up', 'down'
  direction : "both", 

  // in pixels
  scrollOffset : 0, 
  scrollRatio  : 2


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by pntrivedy. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.