Responsive jQuery Slider Plugin - jQuery Slider Shock

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License: MIT
Responsive jQuery Slider Plugin - jQuery Slider Shock

jQuery Slider Shock is a Responsive jQuery Slider Plugin that comes with 31 available effects. The free version has has 10 of the 31 available effects in premium version and one of the 30+ skins and no external data sources (instagram, flickr, youtube, etc) included in premium.

How to use it:

1. Include jQuery Library and wpts_slider_multiple.js

<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='js/wpts_slider_multiple.js'></script>

2. Call the plugin with options

  jQuery(document).ready(function(e) {
  , width:'600'
  , showText: true 
  , autoplay:15000
  , imgWidth: 100
  , imgHeight: 100
  , imgMarginTop: 0
  , imgMarginLeft: 0
  , squared: true 
  , textSquarePosition: 4 
  , textPosition: 'top'
  , imgAlignment: 'Center'
  , textColor: 'F00'
  , skin: 'transparent'
  , arrows:'ts-arrow-1'
  , sliderHeight: 400 
  , effects:''
  , titleBold: 'false'
  , titleItalic: 'false'
  , textBold: 'true' 
  , textItalic: 'false' 
  , textWidth: 90
  , background_sld:'#FFF'
  , background_caption:'#000'

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by unknown. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.