jQuery Plugin To Create An Endless Instagram Gallery - embedstagram

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License: MIT
jQuery Plugin To Create An Endless Instagram Gallery - embedstagram

embedstagram is a jQuery plugin which fetches and displays Instagram pictures by user and hashtag into a responsive, customizable, endless grid gallery.

Important Note:

This plugin is broken since Instagram has changed its API. You can now use the Feed Instagram Graph API plugin instead.

How to use it:

1. Load the embedstagram.css for plugin styles.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/embedstagram.css">

2. Create a container for the Instagram gallery.

<div id="embedstagram"></div>

3. Call the plugin on the empty container you just created and insert Instagram client ID & username (and/or hashtag).

  client_id: 'CLIENT ID HERE',
  username: 'USERNAME HERE',
  hashtag: 'HASHTAG HERE'

4. Customize the Instagram gallery.

client_id: '',
username: '',
hashtag: '',
count: 20,
responsive: true,
load_more: true, // load more button
thumb: 'default', // Default,  Border,  Title,  Circle
theme: 'default' // Default,  Light,  Dark

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by jakehills. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.