Free jQuery Instagram Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Instagram' are listed here.
Display Your Instagram Feed Using The New Instagram API
- Social Media - 11649 ViewsA jQuery script that displays your Instagram feed on the webpage using the official Instagram Graph API and AJAX requests
Add Instagram Photos To Your Website Without API - jQuery instagramFeed
- Social Media - 57120 ViewsA responsive, highly-customizable Instagram Photo Gallery plugin that adds Instagram photos from any user to your website without the need of the Instagram access token.
Fetch And Display Instagram Photo Feeds By Tags Or Users - instastory.js
- Social Media - 10800 Viewsinstastory.js is a jQueyr Instagram Feed plugin that fetches and displays the most recent Instagram photos based on hashtags or username you specify.
Spectragram - Fetch and Display Instagram Feeds
- Gallery - 12528 ViewsSpectragram is an easy jQuery plugin for Instagram API to get the most recent media published by a user.
Masonry Instagram Photo Grid With Infinite Scroll - jQuery MasonGram
- Social Media - 5853 ViewsMasonGram is a fancy jQuery Instagram Feed plugin which fetches images from any Instagram user and displays them in a responsive Masonry-based photo grid with infinte scroll support.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying Social Network Feed - Social Feed
- Social Media - 22532 ViewsSocial Feed is a simple jQuery plugin that allows to retrieve and display status, posts, images from different social networks.
Add Instagram Photos To Your Website - jQuery gramfeed
- Social Media - 258 Viewsgramfeed is a replacement for the instafeed.js library that adds Instagram photos from any user to your website by using the Instagram's hidden graph API URL.
Get Instagram Photos From Specific Users Or Hashtags - jQuery instaHistory.js
- Social Media - 8010 ViewsA jQuery Instagram Feed plugin which retrieves and displays the latest Instagram photos from a specific hashtag or a specific user without the need of Instagram API.
Minimal Instagram Feed Plugin For jQuery - IgJs
- Social Media - 2099 ViewsIgJs is a jQuery plugin to display the latest posts from any user by scraping the html from user page via cors proxy and parses it into meaningful JSON (currently hardcoded to append Bootstrap formatted images).
jQuery Plugin To Display Instagram Photos On Your Web Page - Instagram Lite
- Social Media - 9535 ViewsInstagram Lite is a tiny jQuery plugin used to fetch and display recent photos from an Instagram user using Instagram API.
jQuery Plugin To Show Photo Streams Form Social Networks
- Social Media - 7509 ViewsSocial Photo Stream is a jQuery plugin which allows you to show photo stream feeds from the most popular social networks including deviantArt, Instagram, Picasa, Pinterest, Flickr, Dribbble, Youtube and FeedBurner.
Minimal Instagram Photo Gallery Plugin With jQuery - handlegram
- Social Media - 2548 Viewshandlegram is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin which uses JSONP to fetch and show recent or popular Instagram photos by user, location or hashtag.
jQuery Plugin To Create An Instagram Photo Gallery
- Gallery - 9462 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin that fetches your profile and photos from Instagram and displays them as a photo gallery on your website.
An Instagram API Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap -
- Social Media - 13319 is an awesome jQuery plugin using the Instagram API to display recent, user or liked photo feeds on your web page.
jQuery Plugin To Create An Instagram Photo Grid - EveryDayImInstagrammin
- Social Media - 1744 ViewsEveryDayImInstagrammin is a jQuery plugin for generating a responsive photo grid that fetches and displays the latest Instagram pictures by user or hashtag.
jQuery Plugin For Automatic Instagram Carousel - DidiZoo
- Social Media - 4118 ViewsDidiZoo is a very small jQuery plugin that uses Instagram API to fetch and display recent photos (by users or hashtags) in an automatic carousel slider.
jQuery Plugin To Create An Endless Instagram Gallery - embedstagram
- Social Media - 1719 Viewsembedstagram is a jQuery plugin which fetches and displays Instagram pictures by user and hashtag into a responsive, customizable, endless grid gallery.
jQuery Instagram Photos Showcase Plugin
- Other - 1670 ViewsA simple and lightweight (~4Kb gzip) jQuery Plugin for displaying a list of instagram Photos by tags, location and position.
jQuery Plugin To Display An Instagram Profile Widget On The Webpage
- Social Media - 5315 ViewsInstagram Profile Widget is a simple lightweight plugin to create an Instagram user profile widget from any user using jQuery and Instagram API. How to use it: 1. Include the jQuery instagram profile widget plugin after jQuery javascript li
One-Click Social Button Plugin - ClassySocial
- Social Media - 6982 ViewsClassySocial is a jQuery social media plugin that make it easy to let your site visitors easily see what networks you belong to and visit them in a click of a button.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying Social Network Feeds - beyondsocial.js
- Social Media - 4058 ViewsBeyond Social is a Jquery plugin to display social network feeds on your webpage.
Social Feed Plugin with jQuery - SOCIALIST
- Social Media - 13393 ViewsSOCIALIST is a flexable jQuery Social Media Plugin that enables you to creates a social stream (or social "wall") using AJAX from multiple social media feeds in one place.
jQuery Instagram Photos Slider Plugin - InstaSlider
- Slider - 8537 ViewsInstaSlider is a simple jQuery plugin that fetches Instagram Photos from an Instagram user or a hashtag and displays these photos in a carousel slider on your website.
Fetch and Display Instagram Photo Feeds - pectragram
- Other - 1891 Viewspectragram is a lightweight (4KB gzip) and easy-to-use plugin for fetching and displaying user, popular or tags photo feeds on list items or any other HTML tag you define by using Instagram API.
Cool Instagram Gallery
- Gallery - 2684 ViewsA Cool Instagram “Gravity” Gallery that runs a search on Instagram, fetches and displays the photos in a grid, and then uses the Box2D library to simulate physical interactions between them.