Small Customizable jQuery Table Pagination Plugin - paginemytable

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License: MIT
Small Customizable jQuery Table Pagination Plugin - paginemytable

paginemytable is a small and fast jQuery table pagination plugin which splits your large table into organized pages with numeric pagination and next/prev navigation. Compatible with any CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, Semantic UI and more more.

How to use it:

1. To use this plugin, just include the jquery.paginemytable.js script after jQuery library:

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jquery.paginemytable.js"></script>

2. And then call the function on your exiting html table. That's it.

  // options here

3. Here are the default options you can pass into the paginate() method on init.


  // number of items per page
  pageLength: 15,

  // how many pages you want to cut off
  nbPages: 0,

  // table header selector
  headerSelector: "thead",

  // body selector
  bodySelector: "tbody",

  // table row selector
  rowSelector: "tr",

  // table footer selector
  footerSelector: "tfoot",

  // CSS class(es) for pagination buttons
  paginationButtonsClass: "",

  // html tag for pagination buttons
  paginationButtonsTagName: "span",

  // CSS class(es) for pagination container
  paginationButtonsContainerClass: "",

  // content for previous button
  previousButtonContent: "&lt;",

  // content for next button
  nextButtonContent: "&gt;",

  // custom button id
  previousButtonId: "",
  nextButtonId: "",

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by Zozoleclown. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.