Free jQuery icon picker Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'icon picker' are listed here.
Customizable Bootstrap Icon Picker With jQuery And Bootstrap 5
- Other - 5562 ViewsA fully customizable jQuery that uses Bootstrap 5 popover component to create a filterable icon picker interface, which offers an easy way to select icons from over 1,600 Bootstrap SVG icons.
Font Awesome Icon Browser & Picker In jQuery
- Other - 3634 ViewsA jQuery icon picker plugin that allows the user to pick an icon from a responsive Font Awesome icon browser popup and shows the corresponding icon classes in your input field.
Simple FontAwesome Icon Picker Plugin For Bootstrap
- Other - 22368 ViewsA simple, easy jQuery icon picker plugin which enables you to easily and quickly pick a Font Awesome icon using Bootstrap's popover and/or dropdown components.
jQuery Based Icon Picker For Bootstrap 4/3 - iconpicker
- Other - 13386 ViewsIconpicker is a jQuery icon picker plugin for Bootstrap 3 that allows you to choose and pick a icon from multiple icon sets in a tooltip-like popup interface.
Easy Icon Picker For Bootstrap Glyphicons - iconPicker.js
- Other - 2821 ViewsA jQuery based icon picker plugin for Bootstrap that enables the user to pick and select Bootstrap Glyphicons from a filterable/searchable picker popup.
Feature-rich Font Icon Picker Plugin For jQuery - asIconPicker
- Other - 3783 ViewsasIconPicker is a powerful jQuery plugin which enables the user to select a icon from a searchable font icon picker popup.
Searchable FontAwesome Icon Picker For jQuery - Simple Iconpicker
- Other - 8076 Viewssimple-iconpicker.js is a simple jQuery plugin which allows the user to select Font Awesome icons from a searchable/filterable dropdown popup.
Easy Font Icon Picker with jQuery - picka
- Other - 3702 Viewspicka is an easy to use jQuery plugin which allows you to pick an icon from any font icon sets like Font Awesome, Genericons, etc.