Free jQuery localStorage Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'localStorage' are listed here.
Save And Restore Form Values With jQuery - savy.js
- Form - 9983 Viewssavy.js is an ultra-light (less than 1kb) jQuery plugin that automatically saves form values in the client side (using HTML5 localStorage) and restore them on your next visit.
Get And Restore Form Data Using Local Storage - jQuery Save My Form
- Form - 3729 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin to prevent losing data that automatically saves form values in local storage when editing HTML forms.
Auto Save Form Values In Local Storage - saveStorage
- Form - 7104 ViewssaveStorage is a lightweight jQuery & Vanilla JavaScript plugin that automatically stores and recovers form values to prevent losing data when editing an HTML form.
jQuery Plugin To Persist Checkbox State Using Local Storage
- Form - 2441 ViewsPersistent Checkboxes is a dead simple jQuery plugin that temporarily stores checkbox states in local storage using HTML5 Web Storage API and restore them when needed.
jQuery Plugin To Store Form Values Into Local Storage - saveIt
- Form - 1418 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin that automatically saves and restores form filed values in your web browser using HTML5 local storage.
jQuery Plugin For Form State Auto Save/Restore with Html5 sessionStorage - Squirrel.js
- Form - 5783 ViewsSquirrel.js is a simple yet useful jQuery plugin that automatically and temporarily stores the information from the form as you type in fields or change values
jQuery Plugin to Save Form Fields Values To localStorage - phoenix
- Form - 7938 ViewsPhoenix is a human-friendly jQuery form plugin that makes use of HTML5 Web Storage API to save form values your users input into local storage and restore the data when needed.
jQuery Plugin To Preserve Form Data Using Local Storage - Ftakar
- Form - 1363 ViewsFtakar is a jQuery plugin that detects if the fields of a form had been modified and save the form values into local storage for preventing data loss.
jQuery Plugin to Save Form Data In Web Storage - DataSaver
- Form - 5217 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin helps save form data your user input into localStorage and restore it in case the web page is refreshed/closed/crashed accidentally.
jQuery Plugin To Cache/Preserve Form Values Using Html5 Web Storage - Form Cache
- Form - 5356 ViewsForm Cache is a jQuery plugin to improve the form usability that automatically caches/preserves form values using either Html5 localStorage or sessionStorage.
Flexible jQuery Plugin For Font Size Controller - RV Font Size
- Text - 2892 ViewsRV Font Size is a flexible and customizable jQuery plugin to create a font size controller on your web page that allows your visitor to alter the font size of your text.
jQuery Plugin To Save and Restore Form Data - formsaver.js
- Form - 6935 Viewsformsaver.js is a jQuery plugin for preventing form data loss that saves the current form states into localStorage and restores them anytime as you want.
jQuery To-Do List Manager with localStorage Support - Todo List
- Other - 5981 ViewsYet another To-Do list manager powered by jQuery and jQuery UI that supports drag and drop, datepicker and has the ability to save the list data to client side using Html5 localStorage.
jQuery Plugin To Autosave Form Content - autoSave
- Form - 16844 ViewsautoSave is a jQuery plugin that automatically saves the draft versions of your content within the specified time to local storage and can restore them as you accidentally close or refresh the current page.
jQuery Remember Plugin to Set and Read Cookies and localStorage
- Other - 1144 ViewsjQuery Remember Plugin is a fork and enhancement of jQuery Cookie plugin that provides you with a simple way to create, read, and remove cookies and localStorage.
jQuery Plugin to Restore User Previously Entered Values - Remember State
- Form - 4136 ViewsRemember State is an user-friendly and fast jQuery plugin that allows your users to restore they previously entered values in a form using localStorage.
Automatically Persist Text Field Values Locally - Garlic
- Form - 2003 ViewsGarlic is an useful jQuery Plugin that helps your users don't lose any precious data type in the form's text field if they accidentally close their tab or browser.