Auto Link Keywords In The Document - jQuery linkit.js

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Auto Link Keywords In The Document - jQuery linkit.js

linkit.js is a jQuery SEO plugin for internal links that automatically link keywords and phrases with custom styles and behaviors in the document.

How to use it:

1. Insert the minified version of the jQuery linkit.js plugin after jQuery library (slim build is recommended).

<script src="" 
<script src="dist/linkit.min.js"></script>

2. Call the function on the target container and specify the desired word/phrase and URL you want to replace.

<p>linkit.js is a jQuery SEO plugin for internal links that automatically link keywords and phrases with custom styles and behaviors in the document.</p>
  link: {
    word: 'jQuery',
    url: ''

3. Set if is case sensitive.

  link: {
    word: 'jQuery',
    url: ''
  caseSensitive: true

4. Add custom color or CSS class to the links.

  link: {
    word: 'jQuery',
    url: ''
  linkColor: '#222',
  linkClass: 'custom-class'

5. Decide whether to open the link in a new tab/window.

  link: {
    word: 'jQuery',
    url: ''
  newWindow: true

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by djnetherton. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.