Lightweight Markdown Parser/Editor - jQuery ActiveType

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License: MIT
Lightweight Markdown Parser/Editor - jQuery ActiveType

ActiveType is a lightweight, easy-to-implement jQuery plugin which parses Markdown using Regex and helps you create a real-time online Markdown editor from a textarea element.

How to use it:

1. Import both jQuery JavaScript library and the jQuery ActiveType plugin's script into the html document.

<script src="" 
<script src="active-type.min.js"></script>

2. Create a normal textarea element for the markdown editor.

<textarea id="active-type">
  # h1 Heading
  ## h2 Heading
  ### h3 Heading
  #### h4 Heading
  ##### h5 Heading
  ###### h6 Heading

3. Create a DIV container for the preview area.

<div id="active-type-preview"></div>

4. Activate the markdown parser/editor.

var activeType = $("#active-type").activeType({


5. Auto render the markdown on page load.


6. You're also allowed to override the default markdown parse rules as follows:

var activeType = $("#active-type").activeType({

    markdown:{  //Enter custom regex here
        'italics':'<em>!!! $2 !!!</em>',
        {   name:'Box',
            regex:/{{Box:([0-9]*) title:(.*)}}/g,
            replace:'<div class="card" id="box_$1"><div class="card-body">$2</div></div>'


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by Nathan Blazek. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.