Generate SEO-friendly URL Slugs From Titles - TitleSeoUrl
File Size: | 12.5 KB |
Views Total: | 1284 |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
Yet another URL slug creation plugin for jQuery that lets you generate an SEO-friendly URL slug as you type a page title.
Supports multiple languages such as English, Spanish, French and much more.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
How to use it:
1. Create an empty container in which you want to output the SEO-friendly URL slug.
<input type="text" id="editurl" placeholder="Article Title Here"> <div id="txturl"></div>
2. Insert the latest version of jQuery library and the jQuery TitleSeoUrl plugin's JavaScript into the document.
<script src="" integrity="sha384-nvAa0+6Qg9clwYCGGPpDQLVpLNn0fRaROjHqs13t4Ggj3Ez50XnGQqc/r8MhnRDZ" crossorigin="anonymous"> </script> <script src="jquery.titleseourl.js"></script>
3. Initialize the plugin and override the default domain name:
$('#editurl').titleSeoUrl({ domain: 'https://www.jqueryscript/', urlbox: '#txturl' });
4. Add a subdir to the URL slug.
$('#editurl').titleSeoUrl({ domain: 'https://www.jqueryscript/', urlbox: '#txturl', subdir: 'plugin/' });
5. Specify the HTML file extension.
$('#editurl').titleSeoUrl({ domain: 'https://www.jqueryscript/', urlbox: '#txturl', format: '.htm', // default: .html });
6. Customize the URL separator:
$('#editurl').titleSeoUrl({ domain: 'https://www.jqueryscript/', urlbox: '#txturl', separator: '-' });
7. Specify the max length of the URL slug.
$('#editurl').titleSeoUrl({ domain: 'https://www.jqueryscript/', urlbox: '#txturl', max: '' });
8. Special characters supported.
$('#editurl').titleSeoUrl({ domain: 'https://www.jqueryscript/', urlbox: '#txturl', special: { ą:"a",Ą:"A",ę:"e",Ę:"E",ó:"o",Ó:"O",ś:"s",Ś:"S",ł:"l",Ł:"L", ż:"z",Ż:"Z",ź:"z",Ź:"Z",ć:"c",Ć:"C",ń:"n",Ń:"N",č:"c",ď:"d", ň:"n",ř:"r",š:"s",ť:"t",Š:"S",Œ:"O",Ž:"Z",š:"s",œ:"o",ž:"z", Ÿ:"Y",ÿ:"y",µ:"U",À:"A",Á:"A",Â:"A",Ã:"A",Ä:"A",Å:"A",Æ:"A", Ç:"C",È:"E",É:"E",Ê:"E",Ë:"E",Ì:"I",Í:"I",Î:"I",Ï:"I",Ð:"D", Ñ:"N",Ò:"O",Ô:"O",Õ:"O",Ö:"O",Ø:"O",Ù:"U",Ú:"U",Û:"U",Ü:"U", Ý:"Y",ß:"s",à:"a",á:"a",â:"a",ã:"a",ä:"a",å:"a",æ:"a",ç:"c", è:"e",é:"e",ê:"e",ë:"e",ì:"i",í:"i",î:"i",ï:"i",ð:"o",ñ:"n", ò:"o",ô:"o",õ:"o",ö:"o",ø:"o",ù:"u",ú:"u",û:"u",ü:"u",ý:"y", '¥':"Y",'&':"and" }, });
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by tedirghazali. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.