Truncate Text With Ellipsis Using jQuery - Text-Ellipses

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Truncate Text With Ellipsis Using jQuery - Text-Ellipses

Text-Ellipses is a very small jQuery text truncation plugin which can be used to shorten text with ellipsis inside a specific DOM element.

The plugin dynamically adds custom text to your DOM elements and truncate the text to a number of characters you specify.

Also supports the hoverExpand functionality that enables the user to reveal the full text on mouse hover.

How to use it:

1. Import jQuery JavaScript library and the jQuery Text-Ellipses plugin's script into the html document.

<script src="" 
<script src="src/text-ellipses.jquery.js"></script>

2. Add text to your DOM element and specify the number of characters to preserve after truncating.

<a href="#" id="link"></a>
$('a').textEllipses("Long Text Here", 5)

3. Decide whether or not to enable the title attribute.

$('a').textEllipses("Long Text Here", 5,{
  showTitle: true

4. Apply custom styles to the DOM elements after the text has been truncated.

$('a').textEllipses("Long Text Here", 5,{
  className: 'text-ellipsis-element'
.text-ellipsis-element {
  /* your styles here */

5. Toggle the visibility of the truncated text on mouse hover.

$('a').textEllipses("Long Text Here", 5,{
  hoverExpand: true

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by notetech. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.