jQuery Plugin To Show Tweetable Random Quotes On The Webpage - newQuotes

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jQuery Plugin To Show Tweetable Random Quotes On The Webpage - newQuotes

jQuery newQuotes helps you display tweetable random famous quotes on the webpage using Andruxnet's Quoto API.

How to use it:

1. Create a button to share the quote on Twitter.

<button id="btn1">Tweet</button>

2. Create a button to generate a new quote via AJAX.

<button id="btn2">New Quote</button>

3. Create a container to place the randomly generated quote.

<div id="quoteArea">
  <div id="quoteItself"></div>
  <div id="quoteAuthor">author</div>

4. Include the necessary jQuery library on the webpage.

<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>

5. The JavaScript to fetch and display a random famous quote on your webpage.

  // housekeeping: setup vars, 1st quote
  var quote = "";
  var author = "";
 // buttons
   var twitterURL = "https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=" + quote + " " + author;
    window.open(twitterURL, 'twitter');
    return false;

 // generate numbers for changing background colors
  function generateRandomNum(min,max){
    return Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min);

  function changeBackground(){
    var colorR = generateRandomNum(0,255);
    var colorG = generateRandomNum(0,255);
    var colorB = generateRandomNum(0,255);
    var colorA = generateRandomNum(0,4);

    $("#quoteArea").css("background-color","rgba("+ colorR + "," + colorG + "," + colorB + "," + colorA + ")");


//generate quote thru ajax call
function createQuote(){
var output = $.ajax({

    // The URL to the API. You can get this in the API page of the API you intend to consume
    url: 'https://andruxnet-random-famous-quotes.p.mashape.com/cat=famous', 

    // The HTTP Method, can be GET POST PUT DELETE etc
    type: 'GET', 

    // Additional parameters here
    data: {}, 
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function(data) {
      quote = data.quote;
      author = data.author;
      $("#quoteItself").html("" + quote + "");
      $("#quoteAuthor").html("  " + author);
      console.dir((data.source)); },
    error: function(err) { console.log(err); },
    beforeSend: function(xhr) {
    xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Mashape-Authorization", "8vdyiCzX3MmshyDl3zGkJz72KPySp1NguEbjsn8C4C1XHEwyec"); // Enter here your Mashape key

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by davethemaker. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.