Terminal Input And Output Animations - jQuery Terminal-Emulator

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Terminal Input And Output Animations - jQuery Terminal-Emulator

Yet another jQuery terminal emulator that simply emulates terminal input and output animations on the webpage.

Good for demonstrating how your codes or programs work just like in a command-line shell.

How to use it:

1. Load the minified version of the jQuery Terminal Emulator plugin after jQuery.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.slim.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/dist/terminal-emulator.css" />
<script src="/path/to/dist/terminal-emulator.min.js"></script>

2. Create a container to hold the terminal emulator.

<div class="emulator-container">
  <div id="example" class="emulator"></div>

3. Define your commands in a JavaScript array as follows:

const myCommands = [
      new Command(
          new Input(
              new Keystroke("init", "white", 0)
          new Output([
              new Line([
                  new Keystroke("good&nbsp;", "white", 0),
                  new Keystroke("morning ", "white", 0),
                  new Keystroke("fellow ", "green", 0),
                  new Keystroke("internet ", "blue", 0),
                  new Keystroke("user", "red", 0),
                  new Keystroke("!!! ", "yellow", 0)
              ]), new Line([
                  new Keystroke("I am ", "magenta", 0),
                  new Keystroke("noot-noot ", "cyan", 0)
      ), new Command(
          new Input(
              new Keystroke("ls", "magenta", 0)
          new Output([
              new Line([
                  new Keystroke("css", "blue", 1),
                  new Keystroke("index.html", "white", 1),
                  new Keystroke("less", "blue", 0)
              ]), new Line([
                  new Keystroke("node_modules", "blue", 1),
                  new Keystroke("package.json", "white", 1)
              ]), new Line([
                  new Keystroke("node_modules", "blue", 1),
                  new Keystroke("package.json", "white", 1)
              ]), new Line([
                  new Keystroke("node_modules", "blue", 1),
                  new Keystroke("package.json", "white", 1)
              ]), new Line([
                  new Keystroke("node_modules", "blue", 1),
                  new Keystroke("package.json", "white", 1)
              ]), new Line([
                  new Keystroke("node_modules", "blue", 1),
                  new Keystroke("package.json", "white", 1)
              ]), new Line([
                  new Keystroke("node_modules", "blue", 1),
                  new Keystroke("package.json", "white", 1)
              ]), new Line([
                  new Keystroke("website", "blue", 1),
                  new Keystroke("js", "blue", 0)
      ), new Command(
          new Input(
              new Keystroke("init", "white", 0)
          new Output([
              new Line([
                  new Keystroke("goo d&nbsp;", "white", 0),
                  new Keystroke("morning ", "white", 0),
                  new Keystroke("fellow ", "green", 0),
                  new Keystroke("internet ", "blue", 0),
                  new Keystroke("user", "red", 0),
                  new Keystroke("!!! ", "yellow", 0)
              ]), new Line([
                  new Keystroke("I am ", "magenta", 0),
                  new Keystroke("noot-noot ", "cyan", 0)

4. Initialize the terminal emulator. Possible parameters:

  • commands: an array of commands
  • element: where to place the terminal emulator
  • user: username
  • machine: machine name
  • emulationSpeed: animation speed in ms
  • readingSpeed: animation speed in ms
// Emulator(commands, element, user, machine, emulationSpeed, readingSpeed)
emulator = new Emulator(myCommands, $("#example"), "root", "localhost", 160, 200);

5. Start the terminal emulator.


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by nout-kleef. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.