Countdown From Any Time To Zero - jQuery.Countdown.js

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License: MIT
Countdown From Any Time To Zero - jQuery.Countdown.js

Countdown is a simple jQuery countdown timer plugin for counting down minutes and seconds from any time to zero.

How to use it:

1. To get started, insert the following JavaScript and Stylesheet into the web page.

<script src=""
<link href="css/jquery.countdown.css" rel="stylesheet">        
<script src="js/jquery.countdown.js"></script>

2. For basic usage you need to set start time in seconds. The countdown timer will automaticaly starts after initialization.

<div id="example">00:10</div>
  "seconds": 10

3. Sometimes you might need to manually start/stop countdown timer with controls. Setting the ongoing parameter to false will disable the automatic countdown start after init. And then you need 2 elements to play & stop the countdown timer as follows.

<button class="countdown-start">Start</button>
<button class="countdown-pause">Pause</button>
<div id="example">00:10</div>
  "seconds": 10,
  "ongoing": false,

4. Add your own CSS classes to the countdown elements depending on the remaining time.

  "seconds": 10,
  "warning-time": 5,    

5. Add custom prefix to the countdown timer.

  "prefix-text":"Time left: ",
  "stop-text":"Time's up!"    

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by n-schetinin. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.