jQuery Time & Clock Plugins
Download Free jQuery Date & Time Picker, Counter, Countdown Timer, Clock & Calendar and other Date & Time related plugins at jQueryScript.Net. Page 20 .
SVG Based Circular Timer Plugin For jQuery - Circle Timer
- Time & Clock - 12110 ViewsCircle Timer is a very lightweight jQuery plugin that lets you create a SVG-based circular pie-style countdown timer.
Minimal Digital Countdown Plugin with jQuery and Moment.js
- Time & Clock - 7314 ViewsDigital Countdown is a lightweight jQuery plugin which uses moment.js to create a 7-Segment LED display-style digital countdown to a given date/time.
Simple Flexible jQuery Date Picker Plugin - DatePickr
- Time & Clock - 5818 ViewsDatePickr is a feature rich date picker plugin for creating both inline and input-triggered calendars capable of selecting single / multiple dates and/or date ranges.
jQuery Plugin To Parse Human Readable Datetime - jTimeMachine
- Time & Clock - 480 ViewsjTimeMachine is a jQuery plugin that prints out the passed times or pending times in human readable strings and keeps them corrects compared to now.
Hexadecimal Color Clock With jQuery and CSS3 - Hexclock
- Time & Clock - 1233 ViewsA beautiful jQuery/CSS hex clock that dynamically changes the background color of the webpage based on the current local time (6 digit hexadecimal number).
Easy DatePicker Plugin For Bootstrap - bootstrapDatepickr
- Time & Clock - 3018 ViewsbootstrapDatepickr is a tiny, simple-to-use jQuery datepicker plugin for Bootstrap framework that helps users easily input date & time entries.
Simple Versatile jQuery Timer Plugin - Workout Timer
- Time & Clock - 2628 ViewsWorkout Timer is a jQuery plugin used to create countup timers, countdown timers, interval timers, repeating timers with sound effects for your web applications.
Simple Pomodoro / Tomato Timer Clock with jQuery
- Time & Clock - 2880 ViewsA simple jQuery timer app using the Pomodoro Technique™ which allows the visitor to start a 25 minute pomodoro, and the timer will go off once 25 minutes has elapsed.
Human-readable Relative Time Plugin For jQuery - Livetime
- Time & Clock - 873 ViewsA minimalist jQuery data/time format plugin which turns ISO 8601 date strings into human-readable timestamps relative to your local time.
jQuery Plugin For Human Readable Date Format - timeAgoInWords.js
- Time & Clock - 1794 ViewstimeAgoInWords.js is a jQuery Plugin for converting ISO and Unix timestamps into a human readable date format with live update every 60 seconds , e.g. 'x days ago'.
Simple Number Increment Animation with jQuery - countTo
- Time & Clock - 7362 ViewscountTo is a simple jQuery count-up and countdown plugin which animates decimal number increment / decrement at a specified speed and step.
Lightweight Duration Picker Plugin For jQuery and Semantic UI
- Time & Clock - 9003 ViewsA lightweight jQuery duration / time / date picker plugin for Semantic UI that allows to pick duration in days, hours, minutes, seconds from a popover dropdown.
Simple Animated Number Counter Plugin with jQuery - Countimator
- Time & Clock - 13713 ViewsCountimator is a simple yet highly customizable jQuery counter plugin which allows you to count up to a target number with custom styles
jQuery Plugin To Create Countdown Timers In Action Buttons - UndoCountdown
- Time & Clock - 5327 ViewsUndoCountdown is a jQuery plugin which helps you create a basic countdown timer inside your action button.
Customizable Date Selector Plugin with jQuery and Moment.js - DateSelector
- Time & Clock - 2923 ViewsDateSelector is an easy yet highly customizable jQuery plugin that convert a normal text input into separate "day", "month" and "year" dropdowns for easy date & time selection.
Simple Responsive Availability Calendar Plugin For jQuery
- Time & Clock - 47528 ViewsA lightweight, responsive jQuery availability calendar plugin used to display booking availability with dates highlighted on a navigatable monthly calendar.
Basic Lightweight jQuery Calendar Plugin - Yacal
- Time & Clock - 5624 ViewsYacal is a small and simple-to-use jQuery plugin used to embed a nice-looking calendar component with basic functionality in your webpage.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Counting Time Up and Down - countTo
- Time & Clock - 20688 ViewscountTo is a small (~3kb unminified) jQuery timer plugin that dynamically counts up or down to a target number specified in the data-to and data-from attributes.
Create A Basic Weekly Schedule with Hour Selector Using jQuery
- Time & Clock - 47538 ViewsThis is a jQuery plugin which provides a simple way to generate a weekly schedule with 7 columns for each day of the week and various rows for each hour of the day.
jQuery Plugin To Create Responsive Schedules with Time Pickers - schedulerjs
- Time & Clock - 12999 Viewsschedulerjs is a jQuery plugin used to display names, appointments, scheduled events in a responsive schedule with time pickers.