jQuery Time & Clock Plugins
Download Free jQuery Date & Time Picker, Counter, Countdown Timer, Clock & Calendar and other Date & Time related plugins at jQueryScript.Net. Page 22 .
jQuery Plugin For jQuery UI Month/Year Picker - mtz.monthpicker
- Time & Clock - 39053 Viewsmtz.monthpicker is a jQuery plugin to extend the jQuery UI datepicker widget that allows the used to choose only a month and year from an interactive calendar UI.
jQuery Relative Time Countdown Plugin - text-countdown.js
- Time & Clock - 1555 Viewstext-countdown.js is a simple lightweight jQuery countdown plugin that outputs the remaining time in a human readable format.
jQuery Plugin To Display Messages According To Time & Date - Goodmorning.js
- Time & Clock - 2018 ViewsjQuery Goodmorning.js is a jQuery plugin which detects user's local date & time and display messages/icons accordingly.
Android-Style Date Picker For jQuery Mobile - Mobi Pick
- Mobile - 19597 ViewsMobi Pick is a jQuery Mobile widget for creating a Android-style date picker for your project.
Simple Round Countdown Timer Plugin For jQuery
- Time & Clock - 15058 ViewsYet another jQuery countdown timer plugin that creates a CSS3 based circular ticking timer with custom duration and time units.
Minimal jQuery Plugin For Easy Birthday Picker
- Time & Clock - 4476 ViewsSelect Birthday is a small jQuery plugin that converts year/month/day select elements into a date picker for date of birth.
jQuery Full Controllable Countdown Timer Plugin - Backward Timer
- Time & Clock - 9164 ViewsBackward Timer is a tiny jQuery plugin for creating a fully controllable countdown timer that runs backwards till it goes 00:00:00 where it will trigger a callback function.
Full-featured jQuery Date Picker Plugin - RendezVous.js
- Time & Clock - 4476 ViewsA jQuery date picker plugin which allows you to select a date from a monthly calendar with tons of customization options and full-featured API.
Easy Weekly Calendar Plugin For jQuery - easycal
- Time & Clock - 24986 Viewseasycal is a simple jQuery plugin used to display events, scheduled tasks in a table based weekly calendar.
Classic Clock Style Time Picker Plugin For jQuery
- Time & Clock - 4787 ViewsA fancy time picker plugin which enable you to select a time by dragging the hour and minute hands on a clock interface.
Creating An Upcoming Events App with jQuery and moment.js - Eventify
- Time & Clock - 8978 ViewsEventify is a tiny jQuery & moment.js based plugin for automatically generate an event list that shows upcoming events of the current month.
Lightweight jQuery Animated Counter Plugin
- Time & Clock - 13824 ViewsAn ultra-light jQuery number counter plugin which allows you to count up towards a target number at a certain speed using jQuery animate() function.
Customizable & Accessible jQuery Date Picker Plugin - asDatepicker
- Time & Clock - 5731 ViewsasDatepicker is a fully configurable and accessible jQuery plugin which makes it easy to pick a date or date range from a dropdown or inline date picker.
Simple Date & Date Range Picker with jQuery and Moment.js
- Time & Clock - 11361 ViewsdatePicker is a simple yet customizable jQuery plugin used to create date & date range pickers for your Apps by using moment.js.
LED Display-Style jQuery Countdown & Clock Plugin - ClassyLED
- Time & Clock - 5683 ViewsClassyLED is a plugin for jQuery and Raphaël JS library that allows you display a countdown timer, a clock, or a random number in a vector shaped LED display.
Google Style Historical Date Range Picker Plugin with jQuery
- Time & Clock - 5407 ViewsA jQuery, jQuery UI and moment.js based date range picker that supports historical date range options as you seen on some Google Applications.
jQuery Plugin To Select The Time Form A Clock-Style Interface
- Time & Clock - 3648 ViewsA jQuery time picker plugin which allows the visitor to select the time from an analog clock via mouse drag or touch swipe.
Easy Time Duration Picker Plugin with jQuery and jQuery UI
- Time & Clock - 5938 ViewsDuration Picker is a jQuery plugin used to create a years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds duration picker using jQuery UI datepicker widget.
Simple Relative Time Display Plugin with jQuery - relatime
- Time & Clock - 1030 ViewsJust another simple jQuery time formatting plugin used to display relative time in a human-readable format (e.g. 1 year 1 month ago, 20 hour ago, etc.).
Easy Time Selector with jQuery and jQuery UI - timeselect
- Time & Clock - 6445 ViewsTimeselect is a jQuery plugin to turn a text input into a time selector using date.js and jQuery UI autocomplete widget.