Free jQuery date picker Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'date picker' are listed here.
Compact and Highly Configurable jQuery Datepicker Plugin - Zebra_Datepicker
- Time & Clock - 27057 ViewsZebra_Datepicker works by wrapping an input element and adding a calendar button inside the wrapper and opening a datepicker on clicked.
Customizable jQuery Timepicker Plugin - timepicker
- Time & Clock - 65277 Viewstimepicker is a lightweight (~2.5kb minified and gzipped) jQuery plugin inspired by Google Calendar that adds highly customizable time picker to your project.
Pretty Persian Date Time Picker with Bootstrap 5/4/3
- Time & Clock - 63220 ViewsA pretty date & time jQuery plugin which enables you to select Persian(jalali) date and/or date range from a calendar popup based on Bootstrap popover component.
Fully Configurable jQuery Date Picker Plugin For Bootstrap
- Time & Clock - 38971 ViewsA jQuery/Bootstrap plugin that lets you create multi-language, highly customizable date picker, date range picker, inline calendar for your Bootstrap powered web project.
Easy Customizable Date And Time Picker Plugin For jQuery - jSunPicker
- Time & Clock - 8626 ViewsjSunPicker is a branding new jQuery plugin used for creating a highly configurable date and time picker on the webpage.
Google Calendar-Like jQuery Data & Time Range Picker - datepair
- Time & Clock - 18173 ViewsAn easy jQuery date picker plugin that allows you to select date & time ranges like on Google Calendar.
Clean jQuery Date and Time Picker Plugin - datetimepicker
- Time & Clock - 493016 Viewsdatetimepicker is a jQuery plugin that popups a simple and clean date & time picker interface when an input field on focus.
Feature-rich jQuery Datetime Range Picker
- Time & Clock - 47416 ViewsA feature-rich Datetime range picker jQuery plugin for selecting a date range from a nice-looking calendar interface.
Persian (Jalali) Calendar & Data Picker Plugin With jQuery - kamaDatepicker
- Time & Clock - 64369 ViewskamaDatepicker is a customizable jQuery Jalali (Shamsi) calendar plugin for jQuery that makes it easier to select Persian(Jalali) dates with lots of useful options.
jQuery Datepicker Plugin For Persian Date - persianDatepicker
- Time & Clock - 31761 ViewsPersianDatepicker is a jQuery datepicker plugin designed for Persian(Jalali) date that supports Persian numbers and Gregorian date.
Clean Date & Time Picker with jQuery and Bootstrap 3
- Time & Clock - 147142 ViewsA Bootstrap 3 based date/time picker plugin which adds a simple, clean, user-friendly date & time selector UI to your input text fields.
Multi-language jQuery Date Range Picker Plugin
- Time & Clock - 39026 ViewsA fully customizable, cross-browser and multi-language jQuery date picker plugin that enables the users to select custom (or predefined) date ranges with ease.
Highly Customizable jQuery Datepicker Plugin - Datepicker
- Time & Clock - 39817 ViewsA simple, lightweight yet fully customizable jQuery date picker plugin that supports custom triggers, date range, date format, i18n and much more.
Accessible Data Picker Plugin For Bootstrap - ab-datepicker
- Time & Clock - 16057 Viewsab-datepicker is an accessible, highly-customizable, multi-language jQuery date picker plugin for Bootstrap that complies with the recommendations of the W3C WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices.
jQuery Widget For Date Entry and Validation - datetextentry
- Form - 6429 Viewsdatetextentry is a jQuery based date input widget that separates the standard text input field for day, month and year, and performs a real-time date validation while the user typing.
Minimalist jQuery Plugin For Birthday Selector - DOB Picker
- Time & Clock - 37968 ViewsDOB Picker is a minimalist jQuery date picker plugin to enhance the select elements that simplify the selection of date of birth.
Simple Animated jQuery Date & Time Picker - myjqdatepicker
- Time & Clock - 2848 Viewsmyjqdatepicker is an easy & lightweight jQuery plugin which allows picking a date & time from an animated dropdown list when an text field gets focus.
Super Tiny jQuery & HTML5 Date Picker Plugin - DatePicker
- Time & Clock - 33033 ViewsA super lightweight and simple jQuery plugin to display a clean date picker as you click on an input/toggle button.
Lightweight jQuery Date Input Picker - pickadate
- Time & Clock - 35957 Viewspickadate is a mobile-friendly, lightweight, and responsive jQuery plugin that helps you attaches a customizable Date Picker to your input field.
Feature-rich Datatime Picker Plugin With jQuery - JTSage-DateBox
- Time & Clock - 8312 ViewsA full featured, mobile-friendly and highly customizable jQuery date/time/duration picker plugin that works perfectly with jQuery mobile, jQuery UI and Bootstrap 3/4 frameworks.
jQuery Plugin for World Calendars - calendars
- Time & Clock - 18854 Viewscalendars is a powerful jQuery plugin which provides implementations of various world calendars and additional functionality such as conversion between calendars, parsing and formatting dates, and a datepicker.
Scrollable jQuery Date Picker and Range Selector - Continuous Calendar
- Time & Clock - 12909 ViewsContinuous Calendar is a jQuery plugin for creating date picker and range selector with scrollable months instead of paged.
jQuery Persian Date Picker Plugin - Pwt Datepicker
- Time & Clock - 13864 ViewsPwt.Datepicker is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a customizable date picker with Persian date system.
Beautiful Multifunctional Calendar Plugin For jQuery - PIGNOSE Calender
- Time & Clock - 58973 ViewsPIGNOSE Calender is a jQuery plugin used for creating a beautiful, responsive, mobile-friendly calendar on the webpage.
jQuery Date and Time Picker Plugin - Simple Datetimepicker
- Time & Clock - 110547 ViewsSimple Datetimepicker is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create Date and Time Picker in different styles for your project.
Simple Calendar and Date Picker Plugin - PickMeUp
- Time & Clock - 58393 ViewsPickMeUp is yet another Vanilla JavaScript plugin for creating a customizable date picker embedded within an input filed that will pop up when the input is focused.
Nice Scrollable Date Selector Plugin With jQuery - DateSelect
- Time & Clock - 13704 ViewsA nice, scrollable jQuery date picker where you can quickly and easily select days, months and years using mouse wheel or increment / decrement buttons.
Pretty Bootstrap-style Datetime Picker Plugin - Perfect-DateTimePicker
- Time & Clock - 30530 ViewsA simple, pretty nice, Bootstrap-style, jQuery based datetime picker plugin with support for custom date/time format, year/month/time view, date range selection and much more.
Responsive User-friendly Datetime Picker For jQuery - DateTimePicker
- Time & Clock - 14719 ViewsDateTimePicker is a responsive, mobile-friendly jQuery datatime picker plugin which allows to select dates, times and datetimes from a picker popup.
Customizable jQuery Date & Time Picker For Foundation Framework
- Time & Clock - 20735 ViewsA robust jQuery plugin used to create highly customizable date / time / month pickers for Foundation front-end framework.
Stylish jQuery Date and Time Picker For Mobile Devices - mobiscroll
- Time & Clock - 35862 Viewsmobiscroll is a stylish and highly customizable jQuery based time & data picker for mobile devices that you can easily pick date or time via touch events.
Feature-rich Date Picker Plugin with jQuery - wsCalendar
- Time & Clock - 8337 ViewswsCalendar is a simple yet robust jQuery calendar date picker plugin for single or multiple date selection.
Cross-browser Date & Time Selector For jQuery - dateTimePicker
- Time & Clock - 20631 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that lets you create cross-browser and fully configurable date & time picker for input fields.
Simple Clean Date & Time Picker Plugin For jQuery
- Time & Clock - 13260 ViewsA simple yet highly customizable jQuery plugin for creating nice, clean, Bootstrap style date and time pickers on your web application.
Keyboard Driven Date & Time Input Plugin With jQuery - datetime.js
- Time & Clock - 4382 Viewsdatetime.js is a jQuery date selector plugin used to create user-friendly, keyboard-driven, multi-language date & time inputs.
Pretty jQuery Date Picker & Monthly Calendar Plugin
- Time & Clock - 13702 ViewsA really simple jQuery plugin to create a nice clean monthly calendar for easy & quick date selection.
Responsive Event Calendar & Date Picker jQuery Plugin - Monthly
- Time & Clock - 65902 ViewsMonthly is a jQuery plugin that provides responsive and easy-to-customize event calendar and date picker for your web application.
Customizable Datetime And Date Range Picker Plugin - Gemini DatePicker
- Time & Clock - 17774 ViewsA cross-browser, highly customizable jQuery date picker plugin that enables the user to select times, dates, months, years and date ranges from a well-designed calendar popup.
Simple jQuery Calendar and Date Picker Plugin - DCalendar
- Time & Clock - 57242 ViewsDCalendar is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin which helps you create a monthly calendar or a nice clean date picker appending to your text field.
Google Calendar-style Datetime Range Picker Plugin - Calendrical
- Time & Clock - 5610 ViewsCalendrical is a simple yet customizable jQuery date & time picker plugin for easy date and time range selection as you seen on Google Calendar.
Easy Jalali Date Picker Plugin With jQuery
- Time & Clock - 8342 ViewsA simple, convenient jQuery date picker plugin that works with Persian(Jalali) calendar, without any 3rd JavaScript libraries.
Convenient Date Range Picker Plugin For jQuery - dateRangePicker
- Time & Clock - 12886 ViewsA flexible, customizable, convenient date range picker plugin for jQuery that allows to quickly select a date range from Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year and Calendar views.
Multipurpose jQuery Date/Time/Range Picker Plugin - tinyDatePicker
- Time & Clock - 14398 ViewstinyDatePicker is a simple, flexible and highly customizable jQuery plugin for creating date / time / month / range pickers and inline event calendars with minimal effort.
User-friendly HTML5 Date Picker Plugin For jQuery - WBN Datepicker
- Time & Clock - 5657 ViewsA jQuery datepicker plugin that splits the normal date input into several fields (Year/Month/Week/Date) for easier date and date range selection.
Beautiful Customizable Datepicker Plugin For jQuery - hw.datepicker
- Time & Clock - 4369 ViewsYet another jQuery date picker plugin that features custom date format, first day of the week, date range, max/min dates, multiple languages, keyboard navigation and many more.
Pretty Event Calendar & Datepicker Plugin For jQuery - Calendar.js
- Time & Clock - 44262 ViewsCalendar.js is highly customizable jQuery plugin that helps you create inline event calendars and date pickers for your website or web application.
Beautiful Animated jQuery Date Picker Plugin - datedropper
- Time & Clock - 18164 Viewsdatedropper is a pretty simple jQuery plugin which appends a beautiful, customizable and animated date picker to your input fields.
Pretty Date & Time Picker Plugin For Bootstrap Material
- Time & Clock - 60342 ViewsA jQuery plugin that helps you create a Material Design styled date & time picker using Bootstrap Material and Moment.js.
jQuery & jQuery UI Based Date Range Picker Plugin
- Time & Clock - 24202 ViewsA simple to use jQuery plugin which allows the visitor to quickly select a date range using jQuery UI datepicker widget
Easy Customizable jQuery Dropdown Date Picker Plugin
- Time & Clock - 42200 ViewsA simple, lighweight yet highly customizable jQuery date picker plugin which allows you to select days, months and years from separated dropdown lists.
Easy Clean Date & Time Picker Plugin For jQuery - DatetimePicker.js
- Time & Clock - 2655 ViewsAn easy-to-use Datetime picker plugin for jQuery that allows the user to select dates, times and date ranges in a nice clean calendar interface.
Responsive Flat Date & Time Picker with jQuery DateTimePicker Plugin
- Time & Clock - 32975 ViewsDateTimePicker is modern and mobile-friendly jQuery data & time picker plugin that allows you to select and pick a date/time in a responsive flat modal-like popup window.
Easy Date & Time Dropdown Selector Plugin - dateTimeSelector
- Time & Clock - 8573 ViewsJust another jQuery date & time picker plugin which converts the normal input fields into several separated date and time dropdown select elements.
Easy Customizable Birth Day Picker Plugin For Bootstrap
- Time & Clock - 8122 ViewsA jQuery & Bootstrap plugin that converts a normal text field into a birthday picker consist of three input fields (day/month/year) to simplify the selection of date of birth.
Simple Clean Date Picker Plugin with jQuery - Air Datepicker
- Time & Clock - 28940 ViewsJust another jQuery date picker plugin which makes it easier to select dates, months, and/or date range from a pretty clean, fully customizable calendar interface.
User-friendly Date & Time Picker Plugin With jQuery - dateSelector
- Time & Clock - 2942 ViewsdateSelector is a jQuery based, mobile-friendly date & time picker plugin which replaces the default date input with several select boxes for easier date and time selection.
Beautiful ES5/ES6 Date & Daterange Picker For jQuery
- Time & Clock - 9624 ViewsYet another jQuery date picker plugin which creates single or multi-viewed calendars for easier date or date range selection.
Mobile-friendly Sliding Date Picker Plugin - futureDatepicker
- Time & Clock - 3997 ViewsfutureDatepicker is a responsive, mobile-friendly jQuery based date picker that slides out from the bottom of the screen when a specific date input is clicked/tapped.
Easy Date Range Picker Plugin with jQuery and Moment.js - PAcalendar
- Time & Clock - 6118 ViewsPAcalendar is a lightweight jQuery date picker plugin based on moment.js that helps you create a navigatable monthly calendar for quick and easy date & date range selection.
Customizable Dropdown Birthday Picker Plugin with jQuery
- Time & Clock - 54011 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin which allows the user to pick the birthday from customizable dropdown select lists.
Date Range Picker With jQuery And jQuery UI - DateRangePicker
- Time & Clock - 21592 ViewsA jQuery plugin for converting a jQuery UI date picker widget into a date range picker which enables the visitor to select a date range in one control.
Combo Box Date & Time Picker Plugin With jQuery - Combodate
- Time & Clock - 17530 ViewsCombodate is a jQuery and Moment.js based date & time picker plugin which lets you select date and time using combo dropdown boxes.
Yet Another jQuery Date & Time Picker Plugin - filthypillow
- Time & Clock - 7295 Viewsfilthypillow is yet another jQuery plugin for calendar and date-time picker, features html template, shortcut keys, custom time zone, selection steps, and events & API support.
Simple Flexible jQuery Date Picker Plugin - DatePickr
- Time & Clock - 5817 ViewsDatePickr is a feature rich date picker plugin for creating both inline and input-triggered calendars capable of selecting single / multiple dates and/or date ranges.
Easy DatePicker Plugin For Bootstrap - bootstrapDatepickr
- Time & Clock - 3018 ViewsbootstrapDatepickr is a tiny, simple-to-use jQuery datepicker plugin for Bootstrap framework that helps users easily input date & time entries.
Customizable Date Selector Plugin with jQuery and Moment.js - DateSelector
- Time & Clock - 2922 ViewsDateSelector is an easy yet highly customizable jQuery plugin that convert a normal text input into separate "day", "month" and "year" dropdowns for easy date & time selection.
Minimal Date Picker Plugin For jQuery - minical
- Time & Clock - 4001 Viewsminical is a jQuery plugin which makes it easier to create a customizable and skinnable date picker for your web applications.
Flexible and Multi-Language jQuery Calendar & Datepicker Plugin - Ion.Calendar
- Time & Clock - 14905 ViewsIon.Calendar is a jQuery plugin based on Moment.js that allows to create a Flexible and Multi-Language Calendar widget on your web page
Slick Datetime Picker Plugin with jQuery and jQuery UI - slickDTP
- Time & Clock - 6756 ViewsslickDTP is a jQuery & jQuery UI plugin which provides a slick time / date picker that is easy to navigate in a dialog popup.
Flat Date Range Picker Plugin with jQuery and jQuery UI
- Time & Clock - 4213 ViewsJust another date range picker plugin which allows you to select a date range from a flat calendar UI based on jQuery & jQuery UI.
jQuery Yearly Calendar & Date Range Picker Plugin
- Time & Clock - 6440 ViewsCalendar By Year is a lightweight jQuery yearly calendar plugin which allows for multi-day selection with multi-year display.
Simplest jQuery Date Picker Plugin - dateSelector.js
- Time & Clock - 3413 ViewsdateSelector.js is a small and simple jQuery plugin that converts a regular text input field into a good looking date/month/year selector with a calendar icon.
Simple Date Picker For jQuery and AngularJS - Datepicker
- Time & Clock - 20462 ViewsA simple lightweight jQuery plugin that appends a nice clean date picker component to your input box using moment.js.
Simple Clean jQuery Calendar & Date Picker Plugin
- Time & Clock - 7639 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin for quickly creating a calendar widget and an input based date picker on your web page.
Android-Style Date Picker For jQuery Mobile - Mobi Pick
- Mobile - 19594 ViewsMobi Pick is a jQuery Mobile widget for creating a Android-style date picker for your project.
Minimal jQuery Plugin For Easy Birthday Picker
- Time & Clock - 4475 ViewsSelect Birthday is a small jQuery plugin that converts year/month/day select elements into a date picker for date of birth.
Full-featured jQuery Date Picker Plugin - RendezVous.js
- Time & Clock - 4475 ViewsA jQuery date picker plugin which allows you to select a date from a monthly calendar with tons of customization options and full-featured API.
Customizable & Accessible jQuery Date Picker Plugin - asDatepicker
- Time & Clock - 5731 ViewsasDatepicker is a fully configurable and accessible jQuery plugin which makes it easy to pick a date or date range from a dropdown or inline date picker.
Simple Date & Date Range Picker with jQuery and Moment.js
- Time & Clock - 11359 ViewsdatePicker is a simple yet customizable jQuery plugin used to create date & date range pickers for your Apps by using moment.js.
Google Style Historical Date Range Picker Plugin with jQuery
- Time & Clock - 5404 ViewsA jQuery, jQuery UI and moment.js based date range picker that supports historical date range options as you seen on some Google Applications.
Stylish Date Range Picker with jQuery and CSS3
- Time & Clock - 3019 ViewsA flexible & mobile-friendly jQuery date range picker which allows to select a date range from a stylish calendar popup with custom preset ranges.
Simple Yet Powerful jQuery Date Picker Plugin - BeatPicker
- Time & Clock - 5224 ViewsBeatPicker is another jQuery plugin that shows up a powerful and nice styled date picker when clicking on an input field.
Awesome Date Range Picker Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Time & Clock - 5237 ViewsAn awesome jQuery & Bootstrap powered date picker plugin which allows to select a date range from two auto-switching date inputs.
jQuery Plugin For Date Range Selector - Range Calendar
- Time & Clock - 23812 ViewsRange Calendar is a nice jQuery plugin which allows you select a date range in a fully customizable calendar layout with months.
Modern and Slick Date Picker Plugin For jQuery - DateSelect
- Time & Clock - 8540 ViewsDateSelect is a jQuery plugin that provides a simple way to create a modern and nice-looking date picker for your date input.
Accessible jQuery Date Picker For jQuery Mobile - mobile508datepicker
- Time & Clock - 7144 Viewsmobile508datepicker is a jQuery & jQuery mobile plugin which allows you to pick a date (or a date range) in a mobile-friendly and accessible date picker.
Simple Dropdown Date Picker Plugin with jQuery - DropDown Date
- Time & Clock - 24227 ViewsDropDown Date is a super lightweight jQuery plugin that allows you to pick a date from dropdown lists with support for custom date format.
Stylish iOS 7-Style Date Picker with jQuery and CSS3
- Time & Clock - 8999 ViewsA tiny jQuery widget that allows to select a date from a stylish iOS 7 style date picker interface when you click the date input field.
Pretty jQuery & jQuery UI Date Picker - Rich Date Picker
- Time & Clock - 2602 ViewsRich Date Picker is a jQuery & jQuery UI based data picker that supports localization(i18n), date autocomplete, drag'n'drop to select months & years and mousewheel date scroller.
Create A Simple Flat Date Picker with jQuery MomentPicker Plugin
- Time & Clock - 5933 ViewsMomentPicker is a simple jQuery plugin which takes advantage of moment.js to create a flat style date picker that allows you to select and pick a date with ease.
jQuery Week Picker Plugin For jQuery UI Datepicker Widget
- Time & Clock - 20920 ViewsWeek Picker is a jQuery plugin built with jQuery UI datepicker widget that allows you to pick a whole week by one click.
iOS 7 Style jQuery 3D Animated Value Selector - Drumjs
- Form - 27480 ViewsDrumjs is a jQuery plugin for creating iOS 7 datepicker style 3D animated value selector that allows to select a value by rotating the cylinder vertically with the mouse or with touch gestures.
jQuery Date Range Selector Using jQuery UI Datepicker - daterange
- Time & Clock - 9245 Viewsdaterange is a jQuery plugin that allows to select and pick a start and end date from jQuery UI's datepicker widgets.
jQuery Form Helpers For Twitter Bootstrap
- Form - 7035 ViewsBootstrap Form Helpers is a small collection of 10+ jQuery plugins for creating beautiful, robust and efficient forms with Twitter's Bootstrap framework.
jQuery UI Date Range Picker Plugin - Daterange
- Time & Clock - 15350 ViewsjQuery UI Daterange is a simple jQuery plugin which extends from jQuery UI Datepicker that gives you the ability to select range of dates by clicking the date input field.
jQuery Plugin for Simple Date Picker Widget - simpledatepicker
- Time & Clock - 5140 Viewssimpledatepicker is an easy-to-use and fast jQuery plugin that adds a Simple Date Picker Widget next to any element of your page.
Customizable and Lightweight Date Picker Plugin For jQuery - glDatePicker
- Time & Clock - 3900 ViewsglDatePicker is a Customizable and Lightweight (7KB compressed) Date Picker Plugin built with jQuery.
jQuery Plugin for Input Field Date Format and Spinner - Date Entry
- Time & Clock - 3249 ViewsDate Entry is a jQuery time plugin similar to jQuery Time Entry that enables your input field to accept date/month/year values using a spinner or the keyboard.
Simple jQuery Date Picker for Bootstrap
- Time & Clock - 164533 ViewsA simple jQuery Plugin built with bootstrap-datepicker.js for adding datep picker to field or to any other element.
Customizable and Lightweight Date Picker Plugin For jQuery -
- Time & Clock - 0 ViewsglDatePicker is a Customizable and Lightweight (7KB compressed) Date Picker Plugin built with jQuery.