Easy Customizable Birth Day Picker Plugin For Bootstrap

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Easy Customizable Birth Day Picker Plugin For Bootstrap

A jQuery & Bootstrap plugin that converts a normal text field into a birthday picker consist of three input fields (day/month/year) to simplify the selection of date of birth.

See also:

How to use it:

1. The plugin requires jQuery library and Bootstrap framework is loaded properly in the html page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/bootstrap.min.css">
<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

2. Load the bootstrap-birthday.js script after jQuery library:

<script src="dist/bootstrap-birthday.js"></script>

3. Call the function after passing a specific input field to the jQuery object as below:


4. Customize the birthday picker with the following options:

   * The maxAge setting determines the oldest year you can pick for a birthday.
   * So if you set the maxAge to 100 and the current year is 2010, then the
   * oldest year you can pick will be 1910.
  maxAge: 120,

   * The opposite of maxAge. If current year is 2010 and minAge is set to 18,
   * the earliest year that can be picked is 1992.
  minAge: 0,

   * The futureDates setting determines whether birthdays in the future can be
   * selected. Unless you need to support entering birthdays of unborn babies,
   * this should generally be false.
  futureDates: false,

   * The maxYear setting allows you to set the maximum year that can be chosen,
   * counting up from 0. If you pass in a year (such as 1980) then it uses that
   * year. If you pass in a number under 1000 (such as 5) then it adds it to
   * the current year, so if the year was 2010 then the maxYear would become
   * 2015.
   * If you want the maxYear to be in the future, you must set futureDates to
   * true.
   * If you want the maxYear in the past, you can pass in a negative number or
   * a past year (if its over 1000).
  maxYear: 0,

   * The dateFormat setting determines the order of the select fields in the
   * markup and supports the following three values:
   * - middleEndian: Month, Day, Year
   * - littleEndian: Day, Month, Year
   * - bigEndian: Year, Month, Day
  dateFormat: 'middleEndian',

   * The monthFormat setting determines the text displayed in the month select
   * box. It can be either short, or long. i.e. Jan or January
  monthFormat: 'short',

   * The placeholder adds a default option to each select list just like
   * Facebook does on their sign-up page.
   * The default option just says Month, Day, or Year with a colon after it.
   * If you keep this set to true, you will need to add logic, preferably on
   * the client and server, to ensure this option isn't chosen. The value for
   * these options is 0.
  placeholder: true,

   * The tabindex setting determines the tab order of select elements.
  tabindex: null,

  // Localization.
  text: {
    year: "Year",
    month: "Month",
    day: "Day",
    months: {
      short: [
      long: [

5. Customize the layout of your birthday picker in the 'widget' option.

  widget: {
    wrapper: {
      tag: 'div',
      class: 'input-group'
    wrapperYear: {
      use: true,
      tag: 'span',
      class: 'input-group-addon'
    wrapperMonth: {
      use: true,
      tag: 'span',
      class: 'input-group-addon'
    wrapperDay: {
      use: true,
      tag: 'span',
      class: 'input-group-addon'
    selectYear: {
      name: 'birthday[year]',
      class: 'form-control input-sm'
    selectMonth: {
      name: 'birthday[month]',
      class: 'form-control input-sm'
    selectDay: {
      name: 'birthday[day]',
      class: 'form-control input-sm'

6. Callback function.

  onChange: function () {}


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by lonalore. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.